Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

Olivers POV

“Where am I?” I coughed. I could hardly breathe. My throat felt scratchy and soar. That last thing I remembered was going out into the loft after Jaiden had told me not to. Jaiden pushed my hair out of my face and kissed my nose.

“Youre in the hospital. You passed out in a fire and you weren’t breathing. You're okay. You have some burns on you left side and you are probably going to have bronchitis for a while.” He said in his gentle voice. A feeling of guilt overwhelmed me. He told me to stay in the bathroom.

“Jaiden. I'm so sorry.” I began but he stopped my mouth with a kiss.

“Its all okay now…” He whispered as our foreheads touched. “…By the way. I met your mom.” My eyes widened.

“Did she ask questions? You know about us?”

“No she was actually rather charming and nice.” He closed his eyes for a second. “She commanded me to stay with you guys until the loft is restored.” He smiled and messed with his lip rings.

“Oh well, we will just have to be careful then. She’s not home half the time anyway.” I said. This was risky. But I had to admit I really liked the idea of Jaiden living with us.

-time skip-

Early morning the next day they let me out of the hospital on crutches due to the burns on my hip ad leg. They were all bandaged up and I hobbled out onto the parking lot where Jaiden walked me to his car and drove me home. When we walked through the front door, Tori was waiting at the kitchen table where she had prepared me and Jaiden and herself bowls of frosted flakes.

“Oliver!” she yelped overjoyed. “I'm so glad your okay!” She said getting up and running to me. She hugged me and kissed both of my cheeks, her true Italian shining through. “Thank you Jaiden!” she said turning to him and hugging him as well. We all sat down and munched on cereal as Jaiden told us the entire story of the ambulance ride and the hospital before I came to.  It was great conversation. For once Tori wasn’t being a total bitch. But she would probably start calling me cripple or gimpy within the next 3 days.  Anyway we were all laughing when I put my spoon down. Jaiden got up and took my bowl and spoon. I opened my mouth to protest but he kissed my forehead and walked away before I could.

After he got back from putting my dishes away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

“You need rest.” He stated. Obviously I was in no place to argue so I guess I wasn’t going to school. I hobbled up and grabbed my crutches that were leaning on the half wall. Tori got up and plopped down on the couch, she turned on the TV to Disney channel.

“Tori, don’t you have school?”  I called pausing at the stairs. Jaiden was right behind me.

“Not if I don’t want to.” She said.

“Tori go to school!”  I argued back at her.

“Ughhh fine!” she grabbed her backpack and walked out the door. Fine?  I had never gotten that from her before. Oh well.  Jaiden picked me up unexpectedly.  And started carrying me up.

“So I guess I am the prince huh?” I smiled up at him.

“I guess you are” He smiled and looked down into my eyes. I got butterflies again. Man, this guy was amazing.  We got up the stairs and he carried me into my room and layed me on my bed.

Jaiden’s POV

I layed next to him on his bed and he scootched over resting his head on my chest.  I played with his hair and we both stared up at the ceiling. We were silent for a while.

“Jaiden?” he said softly, still looking at the glow in the dark stars on his ceiling. I looked down at him.

“Yeah?”  I said.

“I really like you.” He coughed a little. I smiled, and smelled his hair.

“I really like you too, Oliver.” I kissed the side of his forehead.

“Don’t break my heart Jaiden.” He whispered.

“I wont if you wont.” I wrapp ed my arms around him and hugged him tight. He didn’t say anything after that so I think he fell asleep. That was the moment where our relationship had taken the next step. I feel we were truly committed to each other after that. We didn’t have to have sex to do it either. This relationship was real. True and real.


Did you guys like it? It made me feel warm and fuzzy! <3 So in the next chapter there is a pretty big time gap. Jaiden and Oliver have been together for about a month and a half and Jaiden is still living with Oliver and his family. Oliver is now on one cane and is feeling much better with his burns.

Love you guys!

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A strange awakening. (boyxboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin