"Stop acting! I KNOW what you've been doing! Both you and Hyunjin! Along with those 'friends' of yours!" He took the pictures and went through them in turn.  He didn't show any emotions.

"Um." He smiled slightly. He SMILING? Does he find this funny? After tearing my family apart, he's smiling? He's crazy! How can someone be so heartless?! Doesn't he realize what he's done?!

"You find this funny?! You're a MONSTER! Do you realize that?!" He put the pictures back down and now took the documents and I go through them one by one still with that proud smile on my face.

"Stop smiling! This is not funny at all!"  Before he closed the last folder he just started to laugh. A VERY much psychopath like. He... He's not normal... He's a monster! Heartless monster!

"How could you do this to me?! After all... I thought we were friends... Even if we were more than that... Family... You stabbed me in the back?! How COULD you ?! Huh?!" I pushed him to the wall.

"Do not worry." Shouldn't have to worry?!  Because he's really telling me that?!  Shouldn't I worry about the life of my own brother?! For the life of the ONLY person left to me from my larger extinct family?!

"Not to worry?! How can you say that?! Not to worry about the life of the only person I care about and the only person I have left?! For the life whose life you plan to DESTROY?!" I shouted louder and louder.

"Hyung, take it easy. Everything is going according to plan. Your brother just happens to be part of that plan. Nothing more." He went to his mini bar and poured himself a GLASS of whiskey.

"Here, have a drink. Calm down. Trust me, it's very simple. Plus I'm doing you a favor. You don't have to worry about where he is and what he's doing anymore. We'll take care of everything." He handed me a DRINK.

"You are crazy!" I pushed away his hand with the glass in it. Suddenly, there was only the sound of a glass HITTING the table and its crack. Glass was everywhere. But I didn't care at all.

"Hyung, that wasn't very nice, you know? I got that glass as a gift, along with the drink that was inside. It's not nice to break OTHER things. But because you're like a brother to me, I'll forgive you." He said.

"Minho, don't mess with me! I know what you're doing! What have I ever done to you to do something like that to me! Or maybe the better question is why MY brother?!"  Tears started to well up in my eyes.

"Ah, hyung... It's not my fault that your brother just PERFECT for us. Plus, haven't you always complained about not knowing where he is or what he's doing." He tapped me on the shoulder.

"Listen! I'm not too much patient in this moment... If you don't stop this, I'll… I'll report you!" I said harshly, but the LOOK he gave me was harsher. His hand that was on my shoulder squeezed me.

"Report?! Hmm... Very interesting. And a little funny too, you know." He began to laugh again in a philosophic way. It's slowly scaring me. This is not the Minho I KNEW.  This is another person! And very evil!

"There's no point. Even if you report me, do you think anyone will believe it?! Good joke. And even if they do, you know what kind of family I come from. They'll LET me go right away." He smiled.

"Minho, this is not you. You act like some kind of monster. But I know deep down you are the best, most wonderful and most reliable person of all. He is not like this. He would NEVER do that." I started to cry.

"That's why I'm doing all this, do YOU understand?! For you, who are like my own brother! I don't want you to suffer anymore! So calm down and don't worry." I looked at him in fear and amazement.

"Destroying someone else's life is not helping! You know very well what my family has been through?! What a lot of trouble we had and now I FIND out that you are behind all this..." I moved his hand.

"My parents DIED because of that! Because I couldn't grant them their last wish! I sacrificed my life for it! How could you do this to me?! How?! Why?!" I caught him with his shirt off.

"How could you look me in the eyes all the time, hang out with me and help me when you knew everything?! You were the one who did all that to me! You LIED to me!" Tears just poured down my face.

"Minho...Do you realize that I could... KILL you right now?! But you know what I won't do! And you know why? Because I still consider you as my brother" I'm slowly starting to go crazy. My head is in chaos...

"Hmmm... Interesting. You know hyung, you're really a FASCINATING person, I have to admit." My nerves are at an end. Calm down Eunkwang. You are not the one who should judge him... The law should...

"I'm going to report you! I'm going to report you and lay it all out! Let people know what you are! TRUST me I'll make sure you pay for everything!" I knocked him to the floor. I control myself anymore.

"To suffer...! To suffer as I have suffered all my LIFE! I will never forgive you! And I will never, ever allow you to touch my little brother! Never! Do. You. Understand?!" I tightened his shirt.

"Interesting…" He smiled. At that moment I snapped. I'm sick of everything. I think that all my nerves and nerves have stopped. I want to hit him! I have to hit him! I'll hit him! If I can't kill him, I'll PUNCH him.

I was just about to hit him. Everything went black... I couldn't see anything ANYMORE...
"And? Have you called them…?" I almost forgot. It seems that that phase has also come... Ha... Sometimes I can't believe that we have come this far.  But the last two stages will be dangerous...

"I've talked to them, but I'm still considering it. I think I'll hold off a little longer, and then throw those two in. We're getting into the most dangerous parts... The last two stages..." I said.

"Minho... Because you're sure that last part is really necessary... I mean... At that stage, one mistake and we're all doomed. And then there's no going back. Please think again..." He looked at me. a little worried.

"Hyung, I know you're worried. But all this is a risk in itself. If we're going to risk it, let's risk it all the way..." I looked at my watch. Looks like they're running late... Most likely there's a traffic jam.

"Looks like these two are running late. But we have to go back. We've kept too much salt. Plus we shouldn't give them this much freedom. You never know what can happen..."

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