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The warm Mediterranean sun glittered on the waters, the sky was a brilliant tapestry of blue. As Lewis and Charles lounged on the deck of the luxurious yacht they had managed to get for the few days they had off, anchored just off the coast of Sardinia. Moments like these were how Lewis and Charles found solace in their high-speed lives as Formula One drivers. They had escaped the prying eyes of the public, the media, and their respective teams. Here, they could be themselves, away from the pressures of their careers and constant scrutiny.

Lewis lounged on the deck, his tattooed arms stretched out lazily. His brown eyes, filled with a mix of mischief and love, followed Charles as he inhaled and exhaled the fresh ocean air, his eyes closed under the sunglasses he had borrowed from Lewis.

With a mischievous smile, Lewis got up and stripped off his shirt, revealing his chiselled, tattoo-laden torso. "Race you to the water!" he challenged, darting towards the edge of the yacht. Charles chuckled and quickly followed suit, their laughter filling the air as they leapt into the cool sea.

Soon they were splashing and playing like two carefree teenagers, they basked in the joy and simplicity of this moment. The world knew them as opponents for the championship, but only they knew that they were more than that; they had become each other's sanctuary, haven over the last 6 months.

They were currently enjoying the time they had off between the Spanish and the Canadian Grand Prix. They were spending the Monday to Wednesday together in this paradise, before they had to travel to the Canadian GP.


As they emerged from the water, back onto the deck feeling breathless and the cool breeze drying drops of water on their skin. Charles looked at Lewis feeling gratitude and admiration for the man in front of him, thanking the universe for bringing them together.

He couldn't contain his emotions so wrapped his arms around Lewis, pulling him into an intimate embrace. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you," he whispered, his voice filled with adoration. Lewis smiled and turned to face his emerald green eyes sparkling with affection. "I never thought I could be this happy when this year began." He leaned and joined their lips together for a gentle kiss. As they parted, they both took a moment to dry themselves off, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their skin.

Taking out his phone, Lewis snapped a picture of the stunning scenery that surrounded them and uploaded it to Instagram, along with two other pictures Charles has take earlier.

"Looks like I'm having a blast alone," he teased, nudging Charles playfully. "Nobody suspects a thing."

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lewishamiltonn ✌🏾days like these...

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user1 always a so cool! 🤍

charlespleclerc 🔥🔥

landonnorris vibesss

They both knew the risk of the truth surfacing was a constant threat. Rumours and whispers always floated through the paddock. However, Lewis and Charles refused to let this dampen their spirits and were determined to cherish what they had, even if the world was not ready to accept it.

Charles wore a smile of contentment as he and Lewis savoured their dinner on the yacht in a secluded spot. The soothing waves and warm glow of the setting sun created a romantic ambience that felt like it was crafted just for them. The setting sun bathed them in a warm golden glow, casting a romantic ambience that seemed like it was just for them.


With a thoughtful smile, Charles broke the silence. "Remember our first date after the Miami Grand Prix? That hidden gem of a restaurant your friend owns?"

Lewis nodded, a fond gleam in his eyes.

"Of course! We were lucky not to be spotted by any fans or paparazzi that day. It was just you and me, lost in our little world."

Charles chuckled, his dimples deepening.

"I have to admit, I was a bag of nerves that night and spent so long getting ready." He chuckled then paused, his voice filled with vulnerability.

"But once I got there you made all the doubts disappear."

This was a night they would both remember for a long time to come.


A/N: First chapter!! Thank you for reading, I hope you like this so far. Please let me know what you think, this was just me playing around with an idea I had hopefully others like it too.

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