Darkness covers once again

Ban: don't tell me

Kenji: ok that was about an hour

They all freak out

Diane: the captain and elizabth are outside

King: we've got to protect them

They run outside but they see a terrifying sight

Meliodas is awake

Holding elizabth

and giving them the most deadly glare ever

Chandler: young master meliodas I'm so glad your back

Kenji: (this isn't good but not like I expected anything better) that's his assault mode the form he took when he was leader of the Ten Commandments


Meliodas just looks at them for a long time

Meliodas: ban there's no use tell me what I already know so don't worry I remember all of you where my good friends

Kenji just sighs

Meliodas: chandler I want you too take us over too see zeldris

Chandler: young master surely you don't mean to bring that women along

Meliodas: know your place of course I'm bringing her and kenji you are free to come along as well

Kenji: no thank you uncle I will see my father when I'm ready but here's a parting gift it's something you'll need

An orb of darkness forms in his hand and he whispers and weird word under his breath

He throws it at meliodas and he catches it

His eyes widen a fraction and he smiles slightly

Meliodas: thank you Kenken I'll put it too good use for all of us

Kenji: I know you will

Merlin: hold on what is your plan now

Kenji: it's something we thought of doing along time ago but it was a last ditch effort ibe been against it since it was brought up but it's time

Meliodas: he's right now stay away,

Jeirhco: what are you too talking about

Kenji: he'll tell you soon

Elizabth; wait you don't mean that do you

Meliodas: it's exactly what you're thinking I'm going to become the demon king

Everyone apart from Kenji is shocked or angry about this

Hawk: that's enough

Hawk turns into his dragon form

The Sin of Despair Seven deadly sins x male oc Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat