Mahi and Deepak and the dropped catches

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a/n: a csk book without this duo would be so incomplete. they are the CUTEST ever omg.

also I've kinda written everything that I've wanted to, and I'm thinking of ending this and continuing it for ipl 2024. so PLEASE let me know if there're other duos/scenarios you'd like to see bc I'm kinda jobless for the next week or so and I would LOOOVE to write more.


If you asked any CSK fan, player, or support staff, what that night meant to them, they'd all say the same thing.

It was the best night of their lives.

It wasn't different for Deepak Chahar. It was probably the most satisfying victory ever, because the moment he dropped not one, but two catches, he thought his had team lost the game because of him.

He put that at the back of his mind as he approached Mahi bhai for getting his shirt signed. He wished to remember this night till his last breath; and everyone in this team who turned into family.

When Mahi caught him in his side eye, he shooed him away, and Deepak defended himself whiningly. After a little bit of begging, and lots of unhappy Mahi glares, he got the million dollar signature and happily trodded away.

Later in the team bus, before Deepak could rush to sit beside Mahi bhai, Rayudu bhai had already sat with him. Deepak didn't want to disturb him, really, but couldn't bear having Mahi bhai mad at him. Of course he had to do something!

So he sat in the row before him, and got on his knees and turned to face Mahi bhai. Like how toddlers don't sit in van rides.

"What do you want," Mahi bhai asked him monotonously. Deepak rested his chin on the top of the backrest.

"I'm sorry for not catching."

Mahi could only roll his eyes. "Yeah. Sure."

"Rayudu bhai, I think you dropped your watch, something's down here," Deepak pretended to search under his seat randomly so Rayudu would be out of his seat and he could take his spot beside Mahi bhai.

"If you want to sit beside him, all you have to do is ask, Deepak." Said an exasperated Rayudu.

Deepak smiled. "Can I sit there, then?"


Deepak scowled. "But you said-"

"It's his last ride in the team bus, Deepak. Let him be." Mahi said with a smile.

"But even I want to sit with youuuu," Deepak dragged.

"Yeah, who knows, maybe it's your last ride too, Mahi bhai would definitely drop you next year." Rayudu teased and Mahi laughed.

Deepak made a face, like kid who's been denied ice cream. "That is not true. I won't miss you, Rayudu bhai."

With that, he turned and sat properly, and crossed his arms and huffed. The hotel was still fifteen minutes away. Great. At least he could've sat in the front and celebrated.

Rayudu walked out of his seat and went to Deepak. He didn't have the heart to let the kid be in a bad mood, so gave up his precious seat. "Go on, Deepak."

He ruffled his hair and Deepak beamed. "You're the best, Rayudu bhai. I'll miss you."

Deepak tried hugging Rayudu but got pushed away, but he didn't mind it and excitedly went and sat beside Mahi bhai.

"I don't get how you always achieve what you want." Mahi said when Deepak sat beside him, leaving no physical space in between them.

"I'm everyone's favourite." Deepak said proudly and Mahi shook his head.

"You won't drop me next year, will you?" Deepak asked, and Mahi decided to play along. He loved to do that with Deepak. It was so much fun.

"Let's see.. you dropped the in form Shubman Gill. Maybe dropping you would make you realise how important that catch was."

"Ha ha. Very funny."

"No, I'm serious," Mahi bhai said. "You dropped two catches, Deepak. Two easy catches. In the finals. We can't afford that, can we?"

"As if you haven't dropped catches," Deepak mumbled under his breath and Mahi raised his eyebrows.

The audacity of this kid always surprised him. "Wanna say that loud and clear, Deepak?"

"No, I'm good," Deepak smiled wide.

"Yes, I've dropped catches. But not catches that could cost us the finals." Mahi bhai said severely "Meanwhile, you,"

"Okay, okay!" Deepak said. "I understand."

Mahi glared at him again. If Deepak had a rupee for every time Mahi bhai glared at him, well, then cricket wouldn't be his primary source of income.

"You're just lucky we won the trophy today." Mahi said, shaking his head.

"So you wont drop me, right?" Deepak threw his hand around Mahi bhai and squeezed tight.

"Of course I'll drop you." Mahi said funnily as the bus reached the hotel, fighting a laugh.

"Come on, bhaiiiii, I got his wicket in the qualifiers no, that's why we reached finals in the first place itself. We wouldn't have won without me!"

Mahi pretended not to hear him as he got down the bus.

Deepak got down and Rayudu said as he followed him. "He won't ever drop you."

"You think so?" Deepak beamed again.

"Yeah, he loves you," Rayudu smiled too. "I don't understand it."

Deepak's heart flew. He ran up to Mahi bhai and hugged him from behind.

"I love you too, bhai," he said with sincerity.

Mahi frowned, wondering when he said he loved him, but realised he didn't really have to because in his heart, he always knew he loved Deepak.


"It's not easy to describe him. He's like a drug. When he's not around, you wonder where he is, and when he's present, you question why he's here. But it's good to see that he's maturing. He'll probably be as smart at 50 as Ziva is at 8. Like wine, he takes time to mature. But I won't be able to enjoy that wine; I'll be done and dusted by then."


a/n: their relationship is hilarious and I am here for it 🤡

also now that i have this written, hopefully mahi bhai does retain him next year 💀

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