001. new members

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Bedelia Davis walks through the bullpen, making her way to Aaron Hotchner's office, having remembered the route from her interview a week back.

"Agent Hotchner?" She knocks on the open door.

"Agent Davis. Great to see you again." Hotch shakes her hand.

"Yes, you, too. Thank you so much again." Bedelia tells him.

"Well, I look forward to having you on the team." Hotch says. "Your desk is that one right out there." She looks through the window, spotting the empty desk across from a lanky guy and by a desk where a fitter man is working.

"Okay. Thank you." Bedelia politely smiles, walking out. She grabs the box of her stuff she left outside of the office and goes down the stairs, making her way over to the desks.

"Hi." She greets the three people. "I, uh, I'm Bedelia Davis. The new agent."

"Oh, hey. I'm Emily Prentiss." The raven haired woman politely smiles at her.

"Derek Morgan." He shakes her hand.

"Hi. I, uh, I'm Dr. Spencer Reid." He waves, giving an awkward smile.

"Hi." Bedelia smiles.

"Oh, her. Is this her?" Penelope walks up as quickly as she can.

"Yes, baby girl." Derek nods with a small laugh.

"Hi. Hi, I'm Penelope Garcia. I'm the technical analyst." Penelope rapidly shakes the brunette's hand.

"Hi." Bedelia softly laughs at the woman's upbeat nature. "I like your dress."

"Oh, thank you. Thank you. I-- I love your earrings." Penelope says.

"Thanks." Bedelia says.

"Well, just a-- an offering, if this job is ever too much, I do have a plethora of cute baby animal videos -- especially cats." Penelope tells her.

"Ooh, I love kitten videos." Bedelia's eyes light up.

"Yeah." Penelope excitedly grins, nodding. "I'll let you unpack and then we can talk more at a more... you know, appropriate time."

"Okay." Bedelia softly laughs.

"Nice to meet you."

"You, too."

Penelope goes back to her lair.

"Hey." JJ walks over with some files. "We got a case. Oh, hi. I'm Jennifer Jareau, everyone calls me JJ."

"Bedelia Davis." They shake hands.

"Nice to meet you. If you need anything, my door's always open. But I'm rarely in there so just call me." She says, walking towards Hotch's office.


Bedelia's been with the team for about two weeks, getting to know each of them better.

It's the day before Halloween and Bedelia, Derek, and Emily are all working, Spencer not there yet.

Bedelia looks up and fights back the smile when she sees Spencer in a Frankenstein mask and monster gloves sneaking up behind Derek.

Spencer makes weird noises as he leans close to the back of Derek.

"I'm going to eat you!" He says in a weird voice and Derek flinches, reeling away from him. Bedelia and Emily both laugh.

"Reid." Derek rolls his eyes.

"Happy All Hallows Eve, folks." Spencer says, walking to his desk. He pulls the mask up so they can see his face. "To paraphrase from Celtic mythology tomorrow night all order is suspended, and the barriers between the natural and the supernatural are temporarily remoooved!" He says the last word in a weird voice as he dangles a fake head in front of Emily who laughs. He tosses it and she catches it.

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