Nightly wandering

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As Yuki took to the skies and Ben Ben was sniffing out for any creature that was getting hurt.

You were on the building jumping, you always enjoyed it a lot even though you found it, distracting from what you needed to do it was fun and always help you keep your eyes in the sky and the ground, So not only was it fun but helpful.

Aki's thoughts: hm, it seems pretty quiet tonight. I don't see anything that is in danger, maybe I can go and sleep for tomorrow.

That thought was cut short as Yuki and Ben Ben came running towards Aki she saw this and jumped down from the building she was currently in and went to see Ben Ben and Yuki coming down on her shoulder

Yuki: CAW! There's something going on east of the city, CAW!

Aki: Ben Ben, Yuki lead the way,

Going towards the east and making to a beach dock Aki was shocked when she saw a demon with a red and black hat, holding Mk by the throat and Mei under his foot, both unconscious.

The demon had its back to Aki since Aki was in hidden in the shadows the demon not realizing that Aki was there.

Aki: .Let. .Them. .Go.

The Demon was shocked to here Aki's voice a very old one that the demon knew slowly turning around him not waiting to see Aki's scared shocked expression, him laughing at the thought of it

????? : hm, how about no.... Aki?

It was just as the demon thought it would be.. well half at least. It was more shocked then fear, which saddened the demon, really.

Aki: Douma...

Douma: oh Aki it is so good to see your face again, sadly I was only able to get kocho during the battle.

Aki: h-how... How your-your supposed to be DEAD!!!

Douma dropped mk and got off Mei ready to fight him creating his ice statues like before.

Douma: ~ohhh~ how I have longed to do this dance with you I thought I was never going see you again! Let's start where we left of before being interrupted.

The air already going cold, Aki knew she needed to get mk and Mei out of here before taking care of Douma. She looked at mk and Mei unconscious  meaning she had one chance to make this seem like a dream before they wake up.

Aki's plan was to try and hold off Douma until the sun risen but seeing as Mk and Mei were here she had to do something different, she didn't want them to see the cruel reality behind the world that was old and should be forgotten 4 years ago when she was 14 and having to fight in the final battle

Unlike Mk, Mei, tang, pigsy, she didn't have a peaceful life. She grew up in the demons slayer core fighting demons with no one but herself, her parents dead because of it.

She vowed to protect four with her life, when they met they showed her what it's like to live normally and to her she was in debt to them for that.

Aki: *whispering* Yuki, Ben Ben. Get Mk and Mei out of here while I put up with Douma.

Aki was thanking herself that she taught Yuki and Ben Ben how to take care of people who were in a demon attack, mean while Yuki and Ben Ben were going and grabbing the stuff they needed to get Mk and Mei out of there.


With Ben Ben and Yuki both have the supplies and are going to go and get mk and Mei home safely, Yuki caring a demon slayer medkit and Ben Ben pulling a big sleigh around that could carry three people

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