June came out of her room hearing the sound of the maindoor. She noticed Ryan left without breakfast.
"They must have plans till the moonrise.", (June says in her mind).

The special day has started. Ryan is a very confident man, he already guessed that this year is going to be his year.

Soon the authority declars,"The best employe of the year goes to Mr. Ryan." Everybody is congratulating him. After that his colleagues arranged a party for his success on his birthday.

On the other hand June had spent the whole day weeping not even cut a grain of food with her teeth.

Ryan came back home. He notices that the bowl still contains the fruits that he cut in the morning. He understood everything.

Knocking the door, "June...June?"
No response from the other side. Ryan gets shock. He thinks, "What did I say her that she isn't opening the door?"

He remembered he told her not to go outside today, that's why she is upset and locked herself inside the room.

"Oh  !! What if she took a wrong step? No...No..", Ryan is now panicking.

He is Knocking again and again and calls her, "June,June...please open the door."

June(coming out from washroom) opens the door. Ryan hugs her immediately without saying a word. June is in a shock like,"what happened Ryan? Are you okay?"

"Shhh...",whispering Ryan.

After some time Ryan realizes what is he doing,"Sorry! June, why had you lock yourself through out the day? You haven't eaten anything all day? What kind of behavior are these!?"

"I-I had my dinner.",june says (stuttering).
"Don't lie, I had packed some foods for our dinner.wait for me I'm going to freshen up." Ryan says and goes to his room.

June notices an award which indicates as the best employe. Soon she realised that Ryan was excited about this award. Even she realises all of her faults but what can she do now!!

Ryan comes to the dinning & starts plating for them. June said,"let me do this."

The environment is soo silent. Then Ryan starts talking," Do you remember today's date?"

"Yeah, it's 19th of july", (june is trying to be casual).

"Why didn't you wish me?", Ryan asked.
"Oh, congratulations!!",june is controlling herself.

"Ohh!! Come on it's my birthday", Ryan.

"Is it? I'm so sorry. Happy Birthday.",June.

"Thanks."Ryan (very quietly).

After a long pause June asks, "If you're not tired today show me what does your girlfriend gifted you on your birthday, obviously if it's not private. "

With a giggle Ryan, "Don't be silly, Huh-h I'm a lifetime bachelor person maybe."

It was very unexpected to June. She can't stop herself from shedding tears as she literally caused and ruined the whole day because of her wrong thinking.

Ryan notices June that she's losts in something, he coughs and says,"finish your supper & go to your bed early."

"I'm not sleepy, can I go to the terrace?"

"Sure,I'll join you", Ryan said & thought,"I wouldn't spend a second more with her, if her family were around today..."(hiding his tears).

June is playing her favourite song & watching the moon while regretting.
Ryan comes upstairs, suddenly June stops the song & greets him.
Ryan opens his phone & plays the same song. June is feeling a little awkward.

They are both silent.
Ryan,"June, I'm sorry if I hurt you by not letting you go outside. You know nah I'm very insecure if you go out without me, I know I don't have the right to keep you.but please don't take it otherwise. I didn't like that you were hungry all day.I really care about you. I-I...."

June stops him by putting her hand over Ryan's mouth. She can't stand the ignorance she gave Ryan on his birthday. She forgot that she was going to propose him after completing graduation.

She keeps looked into Ryan's eyes. Ryan is doing the same but in a shock because of June's this kind of behavior.

They've been living together for two years but June had neither looked at him like this before nor even come this close before.

"I misunderstood you. Which I shouldn't have...",June.

Holding her hand Ryan, "What are you talking about ?"

(Takes a deep breath),June," Ryan idk how will you react after this!?"

"Juneee, Don't hesitate. Go ahead", Ryan(with a smile).

"I love you."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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