Twisted Wonderland

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What if the gargoyle looking student with the teleportation power (Rakko) accidentally teleports to Twisted Wonderland with or without others.
Just imagine Malleus' reaction!

One idea would be Rakko playing twisted wonderland and accidentally living up to his name and "glitching" into the game, now he must stay alive and reach the end of the game to get home, if his friends dont get him out first or join him...

Hyokko's stories YouTube channel's twisted wonderland worlds meet the magical boy world somehow...

The Magical Boy cast going to NRC and RSA instead of Saurity and Darkeas, for Aitori a made up school... the cast have special permission to travel between schools.

The NRC and RSA play the games currently being written about (chapters 105ish?) as villain and hero schools of sage island.

Both worlds react to each other's storylines.

The oct trio being confused by Rakko (Kalim's nickname from Floyd Otter, and also after hearing what he calls Nanaya, Pearl, Azul calls Yuu/Dust), and Malleus being fascinated by him (gargoyle and able to teleport like him).

Thank to Iylenne for the idea, Nakamara is the one taken to twisted wonderland, cue staff simping and maybe the fae (Malleus and Lilia) simping too. Update: Iylenne did a fanfic of this! Go check it out! Something's wrong by Iylenne!!

What if it was Thoki taken... (random thoughts by me and Valy_GC)

Thoki as the MC would get along so well with Jade. "Now then, here is how you do this, watch me first, then you try... very good."
him fighting the overblots, taking all the attacks on him to protects the others and at the ends "How are you still alive??!!" and he's just like "Oh, I'm immortal. Trust me, I tried everything. I can#t die." Instant worry from everyone else, "what do you mean you have tried everything?" and Thoki casually take of the bandages on his wrist and neck, "everything." The emotional one cry and hug him. Thoki tell the story about the lab who took him and tried even more on him, trying every single weapon they have.

Or Static taken...(again random thoughts from Valy_GC  and I)
Static would be the same as Thoki in ways but he can't talk, the shock if Static as the MC, the very first time they saw him with his mouth sewed, and how big and muscular he is, certainly too!
"That's it, you are ours now, you have been claimed and will not be going back to such a terrible world!"
to show them he's immortal, Static would not hesistate to just stab himself or even cut his own arms (take on day to grown back) or cut his throat. Pure panic!! stab his heart... or his head, then shrugg like "see, I'm fine" Everyone's traumatized around him that is not fine!!! Floyd would love him, a squeeze that will not try to get away, or break!!
I can see him having the hood on when he arrive so they can't see his face. then come the time he have to state his name, he's kind of confused in front of the miror, try to make some signs to ask if it have to be his real name or no, The other (certainly Riddle and Leona more than the other) getting impatients, he scratch his head, finally remark he have a hood and then take it off to show them why he can't talk and if they ask him to write... uh... well he dont really knows how to write either...

Teiji! (Random ideas from Valy_GC and me)
Teiji would be school nurse... people would be injuring themselves on purpose for a kiss, only for them to be hand a vial of blood.
"I could make you drink my tears too, but it's been a long time I didn't cried. And I'd never propose my sweat or... uh... the others options... so you have a choice between my blood or my saliva"
well, it's every single fluids in my body so... the other are either too disguting or too... sexual...
Leona's plan would never work with Teiji there!!

How about Red? (Valy_GC random thoughts)
I don't think hemophiliac exist in twisted wonderland, imagine the panic "just one cut and I can die" (my
thought, Crewel jumping to create a potion to help!)

well it's pretty normal for him so he would just not tell but be careful to not cut, even if he's still pretty crazy and could try stab peoples... oh Red would get along with Lilia for the love for the color red but also with Floyd for being an agent of Chaos! to stop Grim at the start he would bite him, or just grab him with his hairs "but... the miror said you don't have magic!!"
"Oh it's not magic, it's a mutation hehe"

Oh about Red... what if he never met Lord and all and the transfer is made, either when he's still in the cage where he lived (naked) and then, either he is naked or wear the ceremonial robe, or after he get out and killed his parents, like as the exact moment he killed them and he arrived covered in blood... oh with his claustrophobia... he's not gonna like being in the coffin and will stab the lid to destroy it quick

they're waiting for the new students and there a knife suddenly stab one of the coffin from inside, then broke the lid and there is a naked guy with awfully long here who's coming out of there covered in blood... They would freak, where is the student injured, that is a lot of blood... after a trip to the hospital wing... he is uninjured... so what was with the blood?! "Oh that's my parent's ^^"  Oh, the poor dear, they must have died right in front of him right before he came! Red... yes they did die right in front of me, hehehehe
"he's smiling because he's in shock, for sure" Red, looking at the knife still thin his hand, hehehe it felt so good making them bleed... "did you say something child?" Warm hand petting his head... he will totally accept the staff as new parents and would not try to go back.
(Both of ours idea)

Floyd : Look at you little shrimpy, I want to squeeze you
Red, smiling : I want to stab you

(Valy_GC ideas)
basically, thoses interesting for being MC are Red for his illness and crazyness, Phantom because he's invisible, Nakamara, Thoki and Static for immortality and the sewed mouth for Static, Teiji for his very special power, maybe Narino and Viper buit I don't have any particulary ideas with thoses except that Narino will just want to go back because his brother is not in this world so he's not interested and would certainly make them all uncomfortable because of the way he's talking about his little brother...

Basically what if any magical boy character was brought to twisted wonderland....!

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