7. Exhausted Fumes

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I tried not to let the events of the day play too much on my mind. The last 48 hours had been a whirlwind for me. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel in these situations.

I was held here against my will.. kidnapped maybe? To Jet, yes... I had no doubt he would probably follow me and drag me back if I attempted to leave. But to be honest, I had bigger worries.

My sister had conquered Ba Sing Se like I dreaded she would do the moment I heard about her possibly being there. My worries then turned to my Uncle, if he was smart enough to keep low... or if my sister was cunning enough to track him down.

No doubt my father would be exceptionally proud of his daughter...

I swallowed, watching the avatar and his friends as they gathered together. They seemed so content together, laughing, messing around.

I had to suppress a small laugh when Katara had waterbended at Sokka after he took his shoes off near her. Apparently she wasn't fond of the smell...

Sokka was different than the others, I was beginning to notice. Maybe he was good at being charming, much like Jet at first. Although, Sokka seemed sincere, at least.

Jet fit in well with the group. He held his head high as he told some story to Toph, the earth girl, and Aang, who both seemed eager to hear of his adventures.

I opted to sit nearby, but not too close. Out in the open a bit, just so they could see I wasn't going to try anything to run off... at least not now.

Im sure the they don't care for my presence at all, despite Jet not allowing me to leave alone.

Jet must be planning something... that's the only reason I can think he would prevent me from leaving. I had nothing to offer him, aside from accepting punishment.

What that punishment would be? I honestly dread the imagination sometimes. Jet with a knife was a scary thought for anyone whose seen his knife skills.

It made it hard to sleep. So I didn't. Well, I haven't. Not unless exhaustion forces its way - I was able to stay alert for now.

As much as I expected Jet's anger, I also expected the same from the others too... it would only take time for them to realize their resentment of my kind.

I felt my eyes droop from tiredness, and I rubbed them, trying to blink a few times. I was losing track of time, but it still felt slow.

After a few nods of the head, I sat up straight to watch the others, trying to force myself to be more alert. Jet was now sitting with Sokka. Both seemed to be getting along again. Jet even leant over to playfully push his shoulder.

I frowned, miserably.

If I do decide to leave, I'd have to wait for the right moment... Jet seems to have a good eye on me, even while with the others.

I noticed the subtle stares every few seconds to minutes. It was random, but too short of a time for me to know for sure that I could get away.

I let out a small yawn, leaning back against boulder supporting my back, I was sore.

The thought of my sister taking over Ba Sing Se began to play in my head... I'm certain our father is beyond proud. I wonder how Lu Ten would have reacted to the news.

He was so dead against every invading again, but much like myself - speaking his thoughts earned him banishment.

My Uncle would be feeling awful, I'm sure. Not knowing where your own son is, and now I disappear on him. My stomach twisted, thinking he could be stressed to the hilt searching for me, if Azula hasn't spotted him.

Escaping With The Enemy (Jet/Sokka/Zuko) (M/M/M) (Aged-Up)Where stories live. Discover now