2. A Plan Needs Its Participants

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Of all places to end up, karma simply had it out for me. One of the very few times I try to actually be good - it ends up thrown in my face.

Stuck in the cell with Sokka, as I've recently come to know his name, the watertribe boy who I'd followed across the world, in hopes to capture his little friend; The Avatar.

And Jet; the biggest mistake of my life. Do I mean that? Absolutely. Do I regret it? I'm not sure.

Those few days we first met were possibly the most fulfilled days I'd experienced in my life - I could almost say I felt like I belonged along side him.

Jet had me wrapped around his little finger. And I was willing to risk it all for him. Until he decided to show me his true colours.

How could we have gone from almost kissing to almost killing each other so quickly? I shouldn't be surprised, since he was clear about his hatred for my kind the first day we spoke.

I should have known better than to believe that it wouldn't matter... I have to remember not to be so naive around anyone.

Jet caught on pretty fast about us being firebenders - thanks to my Uncle for needing a hot tea. The moment he realized, he turned cold towards me.

My Uncle and I slipped away from him as soon as the Ferry arrived. Only a week or so later, Jet stumbled across us once again while we worked in a tea shop.

A fight had broken out between us, before the Dai Li agents had arrested Jet for starting the fight. I found myself wanting to get him out of the situation, but knowing I couldn't. 

And only a week later, I end up in the same cell as him. The odds were definitely not in my favour.

Hours passed us by agonisingly slow, and while Jet and Sokka remained situated across from me, in their own little bubbles; I attempted to drown out my own thoughts by focusing on the separate breaths taken between us all.

I sat with my back against the wall, knees up, with my elbows perched on top of them; head buried into my arms in an attempt to keep to myself - as well as avoid any unwanted eye contact.

I wondered why of all places they could place prisoners why it would be us, here. It was a small, cramped room, and i had a feeling we were deep in some sort of cave.

When they had caught me, they had restrained me and placed me in a wooden box. I knew better than to fight my way out, considering they had no idea I could bend fire. 

My Uncle warned me we needed to keep it completely under wraps and avoid detection. Jet was too close of a call.

Not long into the transportation, I could feel the air get colder, more moisture in the air. It smelt like a cave... And now, here I was, trapped in with the only two people who know what I am.

I could hear Jet and Sokka mumble quietly to each other, as if they had a secret they needed to keep from me. Not that I cared; I was trying to figure out the best escape route for myself.

Which, may involve taking down a guard or two. Unfortunately, I couldn't plan it all the way through, because there was no schedule in which the guards would check on us; in fact, it had surely been more than 20 hours since they had thrown a stale loaf of bread and a questionable drink of water. At least, I assumed it's been that long, I tried to keep count of the passing seconds.

Escaping With The Enemy (Jet/Sokka/Zuko) (M/M/M) (Aged-Up)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt