Chpt. 4

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Catherine's pov:
Cam and I just had a chill morning, conserving some energy for today. Today Drake was going to perform, and Justin was to be there today so Matt is going to call him, asking if we can hang out later with him. I was kinda used to the boys calling celebrities up, not really fan girling but treating them like a new human being.

I didn't want to get out of bed and get breakfast, so I just called room service. 'Babe what you up for?' I asked Cam who was on his phone. 'Oh..uh...just whatever you're getting babe', he replied, returning back to the screen on his phone.

I got us some pancakes with French toast, Cameron a coffee and I got freshly squeezed orange juice.

Once it arrived, we turned the television on and watched a bit of Netflix, while eating our breakfast. The pancakes were really nice, I have to say.

Once we were done, I went to go and take a shower and get dressed. I wore a white and blue aztec styled romper with a plain white kimono and the same floral headband from yesterday and some blue sandals, to match my romper.

Once I came out I saw Cam fast asleep. I took the opportunity to jump on the bed and yes, on top of him. 'Hey!' he groaned in his morning voice as I had landed. 'Wakey wakey!' I said in a low hush. After some reasoning he got up. We only had an hour and a half before we had to leave.

*Knock on the door*
I went to go and open it. It was the girls. 'You ready?' asked Rachel. 'Almost but Cam isn't!' 'Well anyway, we're going to hang with Justin today, It has been confirmed', said Kata. While we were waiting for the boys, we checked what the line up was for today IN the Free Spirit festival.

*The boys have finished and are ready to go*

Cam's pov:
When we arrived at Free Spirit, one of Justin's body guards was to meet us at the entrance. 'Hey Matt' the bodyguard said as he knew him already. Matt introduced some of us boys and the girls to the bodyguard, who's name was Bruce.

When we came to where Justin was we did the whole introducting thing again and we laid the blankets down and waited for the first act. It was Vance Joy. The girls sang along to 'Riptide' and danced to the other songs. 'Dude you girls are good dancers!' said Justin with an impressed expression on his face. 'Why Thank you!' said Maria, semi. curtsying, while the girls followed,giggling.

Then after Vance Joy had finished, we waited for Drake, taking selfies with Justin and the girls. Justin took a vine with the guys, and then Drake was up.

Catherine's pov:
When Drake came on stage, we all cheared and then he sang his classic, 'hold on we're going home'.
I sang the song with Cameron, while we were dancing together. I put my arms around his neck while he put his hands on my waist.

I looked into his eyes, while he looked into mine. 'I love you Catherine!' he mouthed, and I gave him a passionate kiss. 'Woo!' cheared Jack G. Everyone laughed, including Cam and I. I felt my cheeks go rouge, and I looked up at Cam, seeing that his cheeks turned red too. But I didn't care. All I knew is that I loved him.

One of a Beautiful KindHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin