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 The sound of dead weight hitting the floor echoed throughout the suit, and it pulled Aiden into the room on high alert. The sight of it left Kalon's hands shaking with pure, untamed anger. Kalon had fired without thinking. Had killed without query of the consequences. Amara stared up at him with dying eyes and ringing ears. The anger and fear faded from her blue orbs and they filled with regret.

She was still breathing.

Amara Martin was still standing in front of Kalon, still breathing.

But a body fell. She heard it beyond the ring of her ears, beyond the gunshot. But it wasn't her. Slowly, her head turned and she stared at the body slumped against the door. Blood poured from the center of his skull, stained his shirt, the carpet, and pieces of his blond hair. Amara's subconscious wanted to move her body, wanted to give Reese some kind of warmth as he passed, but she didn't move. She had no right to hold him when she was the reason he was dead. Not Kalon, her. She didn't pull the trigger but she brought him in front of a loaded gun. Tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't know Reese all that well but he didn't need to die. He didn't do anything to her for him to deserve a tomorrow.

Her voice shook with anger. "Why?"

"Why?" Kalon repeated, his voice leveled and unfazed. "Because he asked for it; because you wanted it."

Amara faced with a fierce gaze. "I did not want this! You weren't supposed to hurt him!"

"Really because someone was going to get hurt."

"Yes! Me!" She snapped. "I seduced him, I told him to touch me, I brought him here! You were supposed to shoot me!"

The sides of Kalon's lips curved before they formed a bright smile and a laugh, soaked in pure amusement, poured out his lips. He laughed like a child at the circus, tears fuelled by the exuberance of it all filling his eyes. Amara's face didn't change, it simply grew more twisted with several layers of anger. Then he finally stopped. In a second his hand was around her throat, tight like a collar a size too small, and he pulled her close. Their lips were centimeters apart, the essence of their liquors mixing with each breath.

"Shoot you, Mbretëresha Ime (my queen)? Never. I've said it once, and it seems you forgot you signed to it, so let me remind you. If a man other than myself touched you, they die. If you touch another man, they die. If you fraternize with a woman, she will cease to exist. And I will spend as long as I see fit removing the essence of them from your body and replacing it with my own. Every touch, every kiss, every carnal feeling I'll replace till your mind can only connect pleasure to me."

"I didn't consent to that, I was drunk," Amara said.

Kalon smirked. "That's why I'm reminding you."

His lips touched hers. His tongue slipped into her mouth and she tasted the faint flavours of whiskey. Amara didn't fight him but she didn't kiss him back. Didn't reciprocate his twisted love. He pulled back, a smile on his lips as he holstered his gun and stepped past her.

"Don't worry Kotele, in due time you'll apologize for this little shenanigan."

Amara scoffed as her eyes followed him to the door. "Apologize, to you? I'll die first."

Kalon scoffed. He opened the door and watched as the lifeless body folded exposing the gold desert eagle. Kalon chuckled, more amused by the second.

"Don't worry, by the time we get back all evidence of him will be gone."

Amara said nothing as she stepped past Kalon but the hate she had was slowly growing. There was no point in fighting a situation she had created, especially when it was a war she was designed not to win. The body at the door was proof of that.

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