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Albus Dumbledore had a decision to make and he had to make it wisely

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Albus Dumbledore had a decision to make and he had to make it wisely. To tell the Potters about the prophecy would confirm something he already knew.

The order had looked into records of magical children born at the end of July. Neville Longbottom a pureblood was the closest towards the end of the July until Lily and James revealed the child they adopted was born on July 31st.

It made Dumbledores blood run cold.

A halfblood.

An equal.

His equal.

Dumbledore was scared for the life of this baby and everyone's life. He knew it would change everything as soon as he revealed this information to the Potters. He had already revealed it to the Longbottoms and it had changed everything.

He made his way to the Potter Manor and had his mind set in stone he would deliver this horrific news to the couple and make plans to put them in hiding he wouldn't tell the order about it just in case it wasn't their child.

He would say they are going on a mission he was doing the same with Alice and Frank only a few selected individuals the couple would chose would know and even then they would be sworn to secrecy.

So as he walked through to the Potter Manor in which the couple was already expecting him he shut his eyes and wished for a world where he didn't have to do this. Where he didn't have to wish for his former students to live in fear for their children's lives.

He knocked the door.


"So Dumbledore what brought you come over." James asked his arms hanging over the couch taking up most of the space alongside having a baby Lana on his lap whilst Lily rolls her eyes and she comes into the room.

"Don't be rude James."

James huffed, "how is that rude?" He asked only to get a glare in response, to which he winced.

James leaned down to his daughter, "I hope you don't get her temper." He laughed slightly as Lily gave a tight-lipped smile before turning to Dumbledore and offering him some tea.

"Thank you." Albus nods in thanks to Lily as she pours his tea he speaks, "I come here on business. Unfortunately, it isn't good news."

James stilled his grip tightening on Lana, "What happened?" Lily sits down next to James holding Lana's hand.

"I must ask you only listen while I explain." Dumbledore says earning nods. :It happened a few weeks ago a prophecy about a child born at the end of July believed to be the end of you-know-who." Lily gasped staring down at Lana. "Up until recently I believed that child to be Alice and Frank's son however with you both having a daughter on July 31st that changes things."

"This has to be some sort of prank." James gasped looking between his wife and daughter. "I know that you must want something for the years of hell at Hogwarts. However, this is too far."

"It's not a lie and I wouldn't tell you this unless you needed to know you will have to go into hiding."

James went to refuse before Lily shakingly says, "Anything for our daughter."

James glanced down at his little family, the family they had got to cherish for not that long, "We'll stay here for the while it has enough runes around the place for it to be undetected until we can find a place."

"I have a safe house in France if you wish to travel there." Dumbledore offered.

"No." James refused, shaking his head, "I'm not leaving my friends to die we stay here and I'll fight."

"And what James?" Lily asked before scoffing, "If you fight you will die."

"But I would give you a chance to run, please Lily I wouldn't risk staying if I knew I couldn't protect you and Lana." He glanced at Lily he understood her fears as he had them too however he didn't just want to leave his friends to die a part of him knew Lily didn't want to do that either.

"Fine." Lily grumbled as she turned towards Dumbledore, "I want details about this prophecy and just how it links to my child am I clear?"

"Of course." Dumbledore said as he pulled a vial out from his pocket, extracting his memory. "I believe this will provide some use." He hands it over. "I won't overstay my welcome." He places his empty cup on the table before standing go. He turns back, "I am sorry this had to happen, James and Lily."

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