My first fight

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Oli's POV A few weeks later

"Come on Oli, wake up" Josh says sounding annoyed maybe because it's it 4th time he's woke me up "I don't wanna" I complain "tough. Come on get up. We're leaving in 30 minutes" he says and closes my door. I push the covers off me and I get up and stumble to the bathroom and start getting ready.

"Come on Oli, your going to be late for school" Josh shouts up the stairs "alright I'm coming" I shout back and I hop towards the stairs while doing my shoe up at the same time "got everything?" He asks "yeh" I say and walk out of the door "are you sure?" He asks "yes josh, I have." I say "what about this then" he says holding my epipen. "Oh right yeh, I forgot about that" I say taking it off him and putting it in my bag and I follow him to the car.

"Have a good day. I'll pick you up later" Josh says as I'm getting out the car "yes sir" I say and walk inside. "Ahh miss dun. Welcome back" mr andrews greets me "thank you" I say "how's your arm feeling" he asks "great. My cast should be taken off next week finally" I say And continue walking with him to class "choose a seat before everyone else gets here" he says and I choose a seat at the front centre and the bell rings and everyone else comes swarming in and mr andrews starts going through what we're doing in our art lesson today.

I'm in my own world and I feel something hit the back of my head and ignore it, and then an apple comes flying across from the back of the class room thankfully missing me and mr andrews stands up "who threw that" he asks "it was Emily sir, I think she's trying to hit Oli" will says "Emily, really? Why am I not surprised" he says "pick up the apple and get out of my classroom" he sighs and she doesn't move "now Emily" he shouts slightly and she grumbles, and gets up chewing her gum loudly and everyone's watching her "what are you looking at" she says to me "obviously not you, at least I know what clothes are my size and not buying shirts that are 3 sizes too small" and an echo's of 'ooooooo' erupts from the class room "excuse me, at least I'm the one who's into fashion and not dressed like a boy" she says "so what. At least I can buy clothes that fit and not look like that's going to rip with every movement" I say and the class laughs "girls stop now. Oli stop before you join her in the office" mr andrews says "Emily pick that apple up, and leave my classroom" he shouts and she does and looks at me and throws the apple directly at me and she laughs and leaves. I get up so quickly and go after her "oi. Get back here" I say and I run after her she looks back slightly terrified knowing that she's messed up "wanna throw something else at me or are you too scared that you'll get in trouble" I shout down the hall and she stops dead in her tracks "come on then I'm waiting" I shout getting closer to you "sorry I have to ask? Where you adopted by any chance?" She asks "what's that got to do with anything" I ask her "this" she says, bang. She punches me right in the face "EMILY MARTIN" someone shouts " I cannot believe I just witnessed that," yes miss adams the principal "get into my office now" she says and marches her into her office, "wait there I'll be back for you" she says and closes her door "Oli are you ok?" She asks "ugh. I think so" I say and my white shirt is covered in blood from my nose  "come on let's get you into the nurses office" she says helping me up and I get really dizzy "woah" I say and we go to the nurses office "goodness, what happened" the nurse asks "Emily attacked her. This time she will not be getting a 3 day suspension this time it will be permanent" miss adams says "brilliant, maybe I'll be left alone finally" I say holding some tissue to my nose "how's your head" the nurse asks "hurts" I say "it's ok, I'll call your dad" the nurse says and leaves me to clean my nose "how longs this bullying been going on for?" I get asked "errr, since lesson started" I say "Oli, your uncle is coming to collect you. We couldn't get hold of your dad" the nurse says. A few minutes pass "miss I'm just going to the bathroom" I tell the nurse and I get up and leave and walk to the bathroom "wow, look at your face, now your parents definitely wont want you" Emily laughs "EMILY. I did not raise you to be horrible like that, now apologise to that poor girl" Emily's dad says "her. Ew dad. No. No one wants to talk to that looser" she says and her dad gets hold of her arm and drags her out of the school "ouch dad your hurting me" Emily says "I'm not Emily stop being dramatic. Your grounded and no allowance for a month" he says and Emily starts crying and I continue my walk to the bathroom I open the door and look in the mirror and right eye is slightly purple "ouch" I mumble "woah what happened to you?" Someone asks and I look and see a girl standing next to me washing her hands "errr I was punched?" I say "that's a good one, was it Emily cause it looks like an Emily punch" she asks "it was? How do you know?" I ask her "been there done that, all because I'm different" she says "what do you mean different?" I ask her "err I'm tan and I'm half Mexican" she says and I nod "does she bully everyone?" I ask her "only the ones who are new, different or people who she doesn't like. Last week it was that quite 'goth' boy Elliott. I dunno if you've seen him around" she says "I think he's in my class usually sits in the back on his own headphones in" I say "yep that will be him anyways I'm Brooklyn" she says "I'm Oli" I say "anyways I best get back to class, if not mr andrews will wonder where I am, oh nice shirt btw" she says "thanks" I say "let's hang out sometime" she says and waves and leaves the bathroom. I wash my hands and walk back to the nurses office "there you are" the nurse says "your uncles here waiting in the lobby" she says, I pick up my bag and walk to the office "gosh your face looks horrible" joe says and we leave school "first day back and your already home within 3 hours" he says looking at his watch "where's josh" I ask him "meeting with Tyler I think, but lucky you have me to put up with" he says and we get into his car "hungry?" he asks "I sure am" I say

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