Tony, watching them from a distance, scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Not to ruin the moment, but you've both gotta die." He shoots lasers at them, the two Spiderpeople immediately separating to avoid his attacks. "What's the plan, boss?!" Hobie asks, and Marina smiles at the nickname. It's definitely been a while since she's last heard that.

Marina attempts to wrap Tony's torso with her web, Hobie doing the same with his legs. "The plan's real simple. We beat the hell out of the bad guy." She grins, and Hobie laughs. "Sounds like a great plan to me."

Tony tries to fly away from them, the two almost getting dragged up with him. Marina grunts as she tries to hold Tony down, Hobie gritting his teeth. He uses his other hand, and shoots a web towards a car. He pulls the car, and throws it towards Tony, sending him back to the ground, making a great impact.

Marina quickly rushes towards Tony, seeing him unconscious on the ground. She takes his suit's core, throwing it to the ground and stepping on it. Tony's suit shuts down, and he groans awake. "You fucking –"

His words are cut off by Hobie's feet kicking his face. Tony immediately passes out, and Marina stares at him, shocked. She looks at Hobie, lips slightly parted and he innocently shrugs. "Didn't seem like he had tha' much important shit to say." He says, and Marina smiles.

"Thank you." Marina wraps her arms around him once again. "If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead by now." She feels Hobie hug her back tightly, a kiss being placed on top of her. "You think I'll let my girl die on me like that? Nah. Not a chance." He smiles, and Marina feels this tingly warmth on her chest.

"Can I eat the president now?" Venom asks, before the ground starts shaking. Marina and Hobie quickly pulls away from each other, looking around as they see people running around in panic. "What the hell's happening?" Marina asks, holding Hobie's hand tightly with a worried expression.

"Oh shit."

Suddenly, the buildings start glitching and Marina's eyes widen in realization. "No." She looks around, seeing the other things on the street glitching. Fuck. "Marina, run NOW!" Venom yells in her head.

"We gotta get outta here." Hobie says, immediately running towards the other direction. Marina pulls Hobie back, "No! There's people left back in the building, Bee. We've gotta help them out." She says, Hobie glancing up at the building before nodding. "Oh for Christ's sake." Venom mutters.

They both rush inside, looking for Marina's teammates around the building. She sees Scout and She-Hulk, and gives Hobie a look that was asking him to help them. "I still have to look for Nat." Marina says, quickly checking every corner of each floor for her friend. "Natalie!" She yells out.

Marina hears coughing, and rubble being moved around. Immediately going towards the source, she sees Natalie trying to take the heavy bricks off of her body. Quickly rushing to help, Marina pushes the bricks away and Natalie smiles at her thankfully. "Hey." She weakly says, eyes barely keeping open.

Marina sighs in relief, and wraps an arm around Natalie's torso. "Come on, we gotta get out of here." She tries to pull Natalie up, but she holds her hand and shakes her head. "Wait, hold on. I'm just... trying to catch my breath for a second." She sighs, and Marina furrows her eyebrows. That phrase sounded too familiar to her.

"Look, there's something happening out there, and we've gotta get you and the others out of here as quickly as possible. Think you can still stand for me?" Marina says, and Natalie nods. "I can do that, yeah –" She answers, and Marina smiles. "Okay, let's do this carefully, okay?" She says softly, pulling Natalie up with her.

𝐏𝐔𝐙𝐙𝐋𝐄, 𝗵𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻¹Where stories live. Discover now