Phoebe poses. 'If you ran an Employment Agency, wouldn't you want me?'

'Maybe, but I'd definitely want my suit back.' Prue says.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'No, this is part of your old wardrobe. I'm just recycling.'

'Well, the environment thanks you.' Prue starts.

Phoebe: But, take it off, I know, I know.

Piper comes down the stairs. 'Hi. Bye.'

'Piper, didn't you have to go in early this morning?' Prue asks.

Piper nods. 'Right, that was the plan. I'm running a little late. Um, just took a little longer to get out of bed this morning than I planned. Okay, bye.'She turns and heads for the door.

'I bet.' Prim smirked.

Phoebe, Prue shout. 'Wait.'

They stand in Piper's way. 'Whoa, whoa, whoa. You, Leo, last night, dish.' Phoebe demands.

Piper hesitates. 'Um, well, it was nice. It was... well, it was wonderful. We just had a few problems.'

'Problems?' Phoebe asks.

Prue tilts her head. 'What problems?'

'Why were their problems?' Prim raised an eyebrow.

Piper explains. 'Well, it's been a while since, you know, I-I was a little nervous, and I kinda kept freezing him.'

Prue laughed. 'Piper, you didn't?'

Piper shakes her head. 'I didn't mean to... the first time.'

'Ohh!' Phoebe makes little noises.

Prue nods 'Okay, so, um, at what point exactly in the process exactly did you freeze him?'

Piper doesn't say a word.

'Hello?' Phoebe says.

Piper walks around them heading for the door. 'I gotta go.'

'No, no Piper, we're only teasing you.' Prue stops her.

Phoebe nods. 'Yeah, the truth is we're just jealous.'

'Yeah, seriously, we're just happy to see you with a great guy finally.' Prue adds on.

'Exactly. Leo is perfect for you Piper. He's just the kind of guy you need. Besides he's lucky to have you.' Prim smiles.

Phoebe nods. 'Yeah, I mean, between you and Leo, and Prue, the new Hot Wicca Woman, Prim the soon to be graduate and intern, and me, soon to be employed, things are looking up.'

'Don't say that! The moment someone says that, everything always goes south.' Piper tells her.

Phoebe smirks. 'Unless you freeze him. (Piper grabs her coat.) Oh, I couldn't help it. It was so good.'

'Okay, okay, come on, we're going, you're going to borrow the car.' Prue tells her.

Leo comes down the stairs. 'Good morning.'

'Yeah, we heard.' Phoebe jokes.

Piper laughs nervously. Prue and Phoebe grabs their coats.

Prue leaves. 'Ah, bye.'

'Yeah, have a magical day.' Phoebe follows.

Prim smiles at them. 'I'm glad you to are together. Gotta go ace exams.'

They leave.

'Um, what does she mean by that?' Leo turns to Piper.

Piper laughs nervously. 'Who knows. I'm late for work, bye. (She kisses him on the cheek. She goes to leave but Leo grabs her around the waist, pulls her back in and kisses her.) Bye.'

Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar Finally SavedWhere stories live. Discover now