Chapter Four: Promotion

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First Pov:

Me: Guys! I just spent the entire afternoon yesterday with the man of my dreams.

Livvy: I'm sorry, what!? You went on a date with him?

Me: No, he wants me to paint him.

Saniyah: You can draw? Since when?

Kim: Yeah... I don't believe it.

Me: Well, forget you guys!

Livvy: We don't mean it like that... you sure he doesn't just wanna spend time with you?

Me: ...

Me: Imma get ready for work

Kim: This early?

Me: Johnny's picking me up...

I didn't dare look at my phone again as it started blowing up. I got out the shower, I wasn't sure what to wear today, so I decided on a simple t-shirt and black jean shorts. I was so freaking tired; I almost fell asleep in the shower. I brushed my teeth and headed towards the kitchen. I didn't have time to eat as he honked. I ran out and he was leaning on the side of the car facing me.

 "Morning Sunshine. You seem tired."

 "Really? Does it show?" He laughed. "You came earlier than expected, I didn't get to have coffee or even a freaking banana."

First Pov (Johnny):

 "I'm sorry. We have enough time to stop and get something if you want," I said as she walked towards me sheepishly. "If you don't mind, your highness." I opened the door for her, and she slid into the passenger seat.

 I walked around to my side and got in. She looked at me through half-lidded eyes. "There's a McDonald's nearby, you wanna go?" She nodded as she tried to stay awake. I started up the car and drove there. She was practically asleep when we pulled up. Luckily there wasn't a line. "What do you want?"

 Her eyes were rolling to the back of her head as she tried to look at me. "Um, caramel frappe and the... the..." she fell asleep. "Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get you?" I ordered the food and woke her up so she could eat.

"H-huh? Oh, thank you," she said taking the food. She started eating, but her face brightened just a tad when she had coffee in her system. "She's alive." She rolled her eyes before fighting a smile. "What's wrong? I haven't said anything that would make you smile."

 She said something incomprehensible. We were a couple minutes away from the studio when I realize what we forgot to get yesterday. "We forgot the canvas." She was up now and acting like the nervous girl I've always known. She was about to freak out but I had just parked in the parking lot and told her "Calm down." She took a deep breath and smiled.

 She got out and went in, me accompanying her. When we walked in, I went for the booth while she went to go grab a clip board. "New job," I asked not looking at her. "No, they just want me to do a supply check. Yall are going on tour in a little while, so they're checking early." I walked into the booth to see the rest of the band already there. "What are you and shy girl doing walking in together," Alice asked. "I drove her here." He smirked while nudging my shoulder with his.

 "You sure yall went to the art store and not just your house," Joe said matching Alice's energy. "Yes. Positive. Now let's get to work." We worked till lunch in which Robyn came to get. She looked more cheerful this time around and a tad more confident. "Is that all, gentlemen," she asked. "I want a cookie," I said suddenly. "What type?" "I don't know, I just want a cookie." She wrote down something and pulled out her phone taking a very obvious pic of me. "For the painting," she lied.

 She left and we just kept talking, but I couldn't stop think of the pic she took of me. What was that pic for?

First Pov:

 I went to get the food. As I was waiting for them to make it, I saw the cookie selection. They had just about every type. Well, I do owe him for breakfast this morning. "Robyn!" I went to go get the food. "That will be $47.96. Do you want to add anything to the order?"


First Pov (Johnny):

 She was later than she had been the yesterday. This time, she had 3 bags. Here's your food, and... Mr. Depp, here's your cookies." Cookies? I looked in the bag she gave me and laughed. "I said A cookie, not the bakery." She made a face. "You said you didn't know what type you wanted, so I bought every type they had. Plus, I owe you for this morning."

 I felt my band mates' eyes on me. "What happened this morning?" I was about to say nothing, but she beat me to it. "Nothing if he doesn't want you all to know." I couldn't help the grin on my face. "I'll leave you all to eat. Have a great day boss," she said heading for the door. "Stay," I blurted out. "Okay." She sat down and started quietly eating. "What did you get?"

 "Uhh... club sandwich and a spud." I looked at her food and took half the sandwich. "You monster," she laughed as I took a bite. "Hey, this is pretty good." She sighed. "You try and touch my spud and you will not have a hand. Respectfully." I laughed and started eating my lowly salad.

 "You're gonna have to get me that tomorrow, this delicious salad isn't cutting it anymore." She rolled her eyes as we started eating again. I ended up laughing with her the entire time, oblivious to the fact that I was being recorded.

 We were still laughing, but I stopped when I got a text. It was from Disney. They wanted me to come back. They've been contacting me nonstop and it was really stressing me out. I will never work with them again. She noticed the change in my expression, and looked at me, concerned. "What's wrong," she asked kinda worried. "Disney texted me. Mood ruined." She got up and moved the salad out my lap and gave me a tight hug. "Don't let them get to you, you're too amazing for that."

 I hugged her back and felt just a tad bit better. She tried to pull away, but I didn't wanna. She smoothed down my hair and whispered encouragement in my ear. I smiled as I finally let go. "You're really good at comforting people." She smiled softly as she said, "I used to be social, but at some point, I went in my shell. I'm a little rusty."

"Hey, I have a proposition that could work for both of us." She nodded indicating she was listening. "You become my personal assistant. You can work on your people skills and I'll have someone to calm me down." Her eyes widened and she got shy again. "O-ok."

 If anyone makes it this far, thank you. I hope the story isn't too bad so far and I hope to make enough updates. You're all gorgeous!! ♥️

Morning Sunshine [Johnny Depp]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя