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     "What did you call me?" Jisung takes his hands off of the boy's shoulders and furrows his eyebrows, but Felix just keeps that unnerving smile on his face. Felix then leans forward and whispers into the boy's ear.

     "Catch me if you can~." He says in a sign song tone. Chris then rushes forward but before Jisung can even say stop Felix was gone and running at lightning speed into the forest.

     "He could hurt someone!" Chris says, but Jeongin holds him back. 

     "But we have no way of knowing where he is. He's way too fast for us and we'd probably just end up lost in the forest." Chris sighs and his head hangs low, Jeongin holding his hand tightly.

                                                  9 hours later

     "HYUNJIN STOP RUNNING OFF!" A boy yells as Hwang Hyunjin sprints through the forest after a ferret he saw. The ferret was quick, but he was just as fast. By the time he caught it he could no longer hear his friends' voices, and the only thing he could see was the white ferret he was holding. Its fur was soft, and it lay comfortably in his arms when something caught his eye.

     Two bright green dots. Hyunjin squints at them until he realizes that they were getting closer, fast. Next thing he knew he was being pinned down with hands tightly gripping his wrists. Hyunjin waits until his eyes adjust to the darkness to see a boy with blonde hair staring at him. His eyes wide and lips sealed into a thin line. But what intrigued Hyunjin the most was that the boy's eyes were green, bright green and glowing in the dark. 

      Two of his teeth were sharp like daggers and only one thing could come out of Hyunjin's mouth. "You... are you real?" Hyunjin mutters, and Felix chuckles, his teeth shining. He looked like he was... in pain? Like he was putting on a mask. A tear slipped down Felix's cheek as he answered with a grin.

     "I'd like to think so." Hyunjin tries to move his hands, but he couldn't.

     "Could you let go of me?" Hyunjin asks, and Felix grin fades but it's soon replaced by an even wider one. He lets go of Hyunjin's wrist but remains on top of him not allowing the boy to move. "Are you okay?" Hyunjin questions. He didn't know why he asked that he just did.

     Something about that question made Felix's expression soften. No one had asked him that in a long time and it made Felix snap out of it. His eyes faded into brown, and tears welled up in his eyes. "What did I do?" Felix asks, and despite Hyunjin not knowing whatever was going on he knew the boy looked scared.

     Hyunjin taps the boy's thigh to signal that he was still on him, and Felix immediately gets off. The boy gently grabs Felix's wrist, and he sits down beside him. "Do you remember was just happened?" Hyunjin asks, and Felix shakes his head.

     "You've got a little something on your shoulder." Felix points. The boy turns to see the white ferret sleeping on his left shoulder. Hyunjin smiles at it and then turns back to Felix, but he looked nervous. "...What time is it?" He asks, and Hyunjin looks at his watch. 

     "11:59... A.M." Felix's eye's grow wide and he stands up, but as soon as he does, he passes out. Hyunjin scurries forwards to try and catch him but he was too late, and Felix's head hits a large rock on his way down. 

     "HYUNJIN? COME ON IT'S TIME TO GO BACK IT'S GETTING LATE!" Hyunjin hears his friend yelling, but he couldn't leave the boy there. So, he did the only thing he could think of. He slid his hands under the back of Felix's knee and Felix's back.

     Hyunjin lifted the boy up and started to walk. "SEUNGMIN? CHANGBIN?" He yells, and he hears fast footsteps until his two friends end up in front of him. Changbin screams but Seungmin just stares.

     "Hyunjin... you want to tell me why the hell you're carrying a body?"

     "He's hurt not dead so can we please hurry?" Seungmin runs forward and checks Felix's pulse, but something was wrong. His heart... was beating way too fast. "Take him to the hospital?"

      "No time." Once they get to the car, Hyunjin gets in the back and lays Felix down with his head on his lap. Changbin gets in the driver's seat and Seungmin gets in the passenger. 

     "Try your best to stop the bleeding." Seungmin turns to the back to see him, and Hyunjin nods, already having his hand on the back of Felix's head. As the boy puts pressure on Felix's head his mouth opens, and he starts mumbling.

     "Are you awake?" Hyunjin whispers, no answer. But then there are some words that Felix mumbles that Hyunjin catches on to.

     "J... I... S... U... N... G" Felix mutters letters and Hyunjin's eyebrows furrow.

     "J... I... Jisung? Who's Jisung?" The boy question's, again, no answer. The car was silent for a while and once they got to Seungmin's house, Hyunjin picks the boy up and they walk inside.

     "Momma?" Seungmin yells, and his mom comes from around the corner. Once she sees the boy in Hyunjin's arms her face goes blank.

     "Who is that boy?" She asks, and everyone looks at Hyunjin. As Seungmin's mother lays Felix down in Seungmin's bed, Hyunjin tells everyone what happened.

     "I was running after a ferret I saw and then I turned around and saw two glowing green dots. Then he came out of nowhere, he was pale and sweating. But then I asked him if he was okay, and his eyes turned brown. He told me he couldn't remember anything that had happened and then as soon as it turned 12 on the dot he passed out." Hyunjin runs his hands through his hair that grew long pass his shoulders.

     It was very overgrown, but he didn't mind. "This boy has a mild concussion, it's best to let him rest." Seungmin's mother nods and she walks out of his room, leaving the three boys alone with Felix. 

     "Damn where am I supposed to sleep tonight..." Seungmin sighs, and Changbin smacks him on the top of the head. The boys sit in silence until Felix starts shaking. His body violently convulses as their eyes grow wide. "What's happening?!" Seungmin hurries over and checks his pulse and it was beating faster than last time.

     Then Felix's eyes shoot open, and he scurries to sit up on the bed. His breathing was heavy, and he was sweating buckets. "I heard something..." Felix huffs, trying to catch his breath. 

     "What did you hear?" Seungmin asks, and he looks at him confused. Where was he? What happened? Where are his friends? But then he remembers. Finding Hyunjin, his body shutting down, falling and hitting his head on a rock, riding in a car and ending up here. Whoever these people are they helped him, and he didn't have time to question why. So, he decided to just repeat the words that were said to him.

     "When night falls someone will come for you. The one who is in danger will be identified by blood." Felix says, and everyone just looks him... until Felix turns to Hyunjin. "You." The boy says, and Hyunjin raises his eyebrows.

     "What?" Hyunjin asks, and soon Seungmin and Changbin were staring at him too.

     "Hyunjin..." Seungmin looks at him anxiously. "Your nose is bleeding."

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