Chapter 4: 'Trouble Arise'

Start from the beginning

Both Giant push their weapons forward, both trying to overpower the other.

"What a fight..." Ussop, who is watching said. "Each of their attacks is a mortal blow aimed at the opponent's vital point!" He continued

Nami who is watching too then says "Those two have continued this duel to the death for 100 years?" She sighs 

"But, this is good... We can use this opportunity to get out of here." She continued and then walked away, but Ussop stayed in his spot...

"GYAH!" Dorry swings his sword but Brogy dodges and instead destroys trees and land around it. As the trees and dirt fly around them, Brogy swings his axe again.

Dorry blocks his axe and then kicks him away before swinging his shield to hit Brogy's head, Brogy blocks it with his axe before hitting Dorry with his own shield.

He tried to swing his Axe but Dorry immediately counter with his sword, Making their weapon clash again and creating another shockwave throughout the area.

Ussop gulps then says "Incredible..." Nami turns around and looks at him "...Ussop?" She said

"Even without a reason, they're fighting so seriously" Ussop said

Nami put a hand on her hips and then says "This fight is sure a bother..." 

"You idiot!" Ussop replied, Nami was surprised by his outburst. "This is what people mean by a real battle between men!"

Nami looks at him confusedly "What's that about?"

"Those two fly a warrior's flag in their heart." Ussop replied "This flag is even more important than their life." He continued

Brogy dodges Dorry sword and they clash their shield, they smile at each other.

"In no way do they want it to be destroyed by others." Ussop said "That's why they've continued to take on each other for 100 long years!" 

Dorry blocks Brogy Axe with his shield and then clashes his sword with Dorry's own shield.

Ussop looks at Nami "Do you get it? This is unmistakably a proud duel between Warriors!" He said... Nami sighed and rolled her eyes

"Whatever... Stuff like that doesn't interest me." She walks away "Now, Hurry up!" She encourages Ussop who's still watching the fight

"I'm gonna watch this a little longer." He replied, Nami looked at him confusedly. "This is exactly what my goal is... To be a Brave Warrior Of The Sea!"

"I wanna be a proud  man like them!" He said, Nami sighed and sat down on the log.

"I see... So you want to be a giant." She said, A tick appear on Ussop. He immediately runs back to her face "No! Were you even listening to me?!"


Miss Valentine is floating around the forest  while cackling

"I've got a good view from here." She said, Mr. 5 is looking up at her with a skeptical look.

"They'll find you, Miss Valentine. Come down already!" Mr. 5 said

"Don't worry, Mr. 5... After all, they're absorbed in the fight." Miss Valentine said while looking at Y/N who is in a sitting position while floating watching the fight. "They won't notice." She continued

"Whatever, just come down!" He replied

"...Okay, Okay." Valentine complies and then floats down to his position.

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