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malfoystwin: i had fun with u guys

beverlyhills: that's good 2 hear! u guys aren't as bad as i thought

eddiepopspills: Uh, remember when richie had to get new glasses because of mullet head?

jumkyard69: oh yea i remember that 😂

animalfridge: 💀

hearts4urmom: 💀 (patrick's brother)

animalfridge: ikr😂

eddiepopspills: Why are you glad your brother's dead 😟

animalfridge: ok so basically

junkyard69: PATRICK NO

animalfridge: henry says im not allowed so nvm

junkyard69: good

hearts4urmom: aw boyfriends

junkyard69: shut the actual hell up

namelessmike: Telling Richie to shut up is like telling God to let Patrick in heaven.

animalfridge: so never gonna happen?

namelessmike: Precisely.

malfoystwin: um guys patrick's trying to kill belch

beverlyhills: uh why 😭😭

junkyard69: cuz he's patrick dont be stupid

beverlyhills: 🙄🙄

malfoystwin: belch tried to explain to patrick that he's mentally ill (which is completely correct), and patrick picked a rock up and chucked it at him. belch swung and missed, patrick started strangling him. we're at the quarry. idk what to do 😭😭

billybike: hmm, idk. HELP him maybe?!

malfoystwin: pfttt, then we'd both get our asses whooped

stanbirdman: better one than two 🤷🏻

malfoystwin: PATRICK'S GOT HIS LEG

junkyard69: i'm on my way 🤦🏼

animalfridge: belch's leg is mysteriously broken


animalfridge: u want two broken legs?

belchheartscars: I'll pass 😃

animalfridge: that's what i thought

junkyard69: "mysteriously" ☠️☠️

animalfridge: i'll whoop ur ass too mullet

junkyard69: yk u wouldn't hurt me

animalfridge: eye roll

hearts4urmom: there's an emoji 4 that

animalfridge: i know, too lazy to find it

beverlyhills: uh anyways i got some new comics!!

bennerchickendinner: Really?! What comics?! 😄

beverlyhills: i'll show u when u come over later : )

bennerchickendinner: Okay!! ❤️

beverlyhills: ❤️❤️

junkyard69: 🤢🤢

malfoystwin: patrick is threatening to kill me

animalfridge: i promise u ur cause of death will be my beautiful self

namelessmike: God, what'd you do vic?

malfoystwin: ME? I DID NOTHING

animalfridge: he called me crazy

junkyard69: well-

animalfridge: zip it

hearts4urmom: eds get online 😍

hearts4urmom: EDSSSS

hearts4urmom: eds it's 2 pm wake tf up

beverlyhills: isn't eddie usually up early

hearts4urmom: imma go to his house and see wtf he's doing

junkyard69: PFTT

hearts4urmom: what mullet head

junkyard69: ur just gonna bust through his front door unannounced?? 💀💀

stanbirdman: yea, what abt his crazy ass mom

billybike: 💀💀

hearts4urmom: i'm climbing through his window, duhhhh

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