Farewell (the departure)

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two months later, in the harbor

Old friends! Winter is near, and the time has come to start our journey and leave our old life behind. That is why we bid you farewell.

We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Maybe we can find a new home for all of us.

Why are you leaving us? You have everything you need in here. Why do you want to leave us?

We are leaving to search for the only truth; it is our destiny, and we must obey it. The discovery awaits us beyond the ocean. That is why we need to leave you behind.

But time is running low, and we need to leave. We can wait no longer, farewell!

In the ship

We are finally on our way. The only truth is so close I can feel it. But why did god make me feel the need to seek the answer? Maybe it is god's will for the only truth to remain hidden.
Is it my destiny to defy even God himself?

My dear, remember this: god never makes mistakes. He only makes the right choices. Why would god have Blessed you with all this knowledge if he didn't want you to use it? I believe He Has chosen you to be the one to find the only truth.

Words cannot express my love for you, Helena. Ever since my mother died, I was alone. I had no one else in my family, but you never left me.
You gave me all of this by just being there for me. I can not tell you how grateful I am to you, Helena. Without you, I wouldn't be here

Ariel, you are the most kind and caring person I have ever met, and I love you so much because of that, but I need to know why. Why do you seek the only truth? You have everything anyone could ever ask for, so tell me, why do you want more knowledge?

Helena... it's time I tell you the whole story

As you know, I come from a family of great philosophers and scientists. My mother was the best of them all, and she was very close to finding the only truth, then she had me.
When I was born, my mother had to abandon her research and raise me. She often told me how she would one day complete her research and find the only truth.

When I was ten years old, she began her research again around the same time we met, but sadly, she never finished her work. As you remember, my mother died when I was 15.

On her deathbed, she told me to make her proud and find the only truth.
That is the reason I can't rest until I find it. If I fail, I will fail my mother

My dear, Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want to Reopen old wounds. Losing my mother was the hardest thing I ever had to go through. I never want to go through that again.

Ariel, your mother, would be very proud of you. Don't ever think you will fail her because I know you won't. It is your destiny.

No, it's not

It is also your destiny to do this. Our love has tied our fates together.
We have to do this together. There is no other way.


If that is the only way, it must be god's will. Through our love, we will find the answer, and we shall glorify God through our discovery!

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