Chapter 4

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(Tw: ED)

Y/n's Pov

It has been about a week since my first day on the job. It is now Thursday of my second week working here. I work Wednesday - Sunday.

Bs/f and I planned to hang out today after work so I have that to look forward to. Working in the daycare has been fun so far. I have really bonded with some of the children that come often and even some of the parents know be by name now. I have also gotten closer to Sunny. He is great to talk to and is actually pretty funny sometimes. I have learned that he has basically all of the same emotions as humans do. He can even get jealous! I learned that when one of the kids said he liked me more than Sunny, I could tell that he was mad, though he couldn't show it in front of the kids.

It's colder now that it is winter and it's also getting darker earlier in the day. That's unlucky for me buy atleast it could snow. I love the snow since it didn't really snow at all where I used to live.


I woke up to my alarm beeping once again. I slowly turned it off and got up.
I did my morning routine and then got dressed. I also grabbed one of my hoodies that I got from a gift shop at the Plex since it was pretty cold outside.
The hoodie was from the gift shop in Monty Golf so it was green with MONTGOMERY GATOR
written on the back and a little Pizza Plex patch on the front next to where ur heart would be. I got it since I thought it looked cool and Monty is one of my favorite Animatronics.


'I really need to get going or I'm gonna be late.'

I did my hair then grabbed my stuff then started walking to the Pizza Plex. I got there at around 7:05 since I stopped at the store to grab aome snacks for the kids since I thought it would be nice suprize. I walked through the Pizza Plex doors and noticed that there was a worker at the front who looked like she was preparing for something. I walked up to her to ask her name and if she was new.

"Hello! Are you new here?"

"HI? Yeah I just started working here... why do you ask?"

" I was just wondering since I never really see anyone here this early. I work in the daycare by the way."

She eyed the bag in my hand which had sweets for the kids.

"Those are for the kids right? You don't look like you need to eat any more of that garbage."

'What the fuck did she just say?... maybe she didn't mean it in a bad way..... either way she's probably right.'

"Yeah of course these are for the kids. I thought I'd do something nice for them."

"Mhm.. well you should probably go I wouldn't want to be late for work."

"Yes of course. See you later!"

I started walking away but that didn't mean that I didn't see her roll her eyes when I left. I started on my way to the daycare while lost in my thoughts.

'Maybe I do need to stop eating so much.
Or maybe I should start exercising... or both. I just won't eat breakfast for a while and see if that helps.'


I hear Sunny calling my name and look up to see that I was already in the daycare.

Sun's Pov

Sunshine was standing by the doors of the daycare staring into space. I tried calling her name but she was too lost in thought to hear me. I was getting worried so I started lightly shaking her to see if it would get her attention. She finally looks up at me and then looks around confused.

"Sunny? Dang I didn't even realize I was already in the daycare..."


She looked at me confused and then answered me.

"Sorry Sunny I was lost in thought I guess... but look! I got some treats for the kids!"

She raised her hand to show me the bag of sweets. She was always so nice and thoughtful. That's one of the reasons why I like her. Yes that's right, I'm an animatronic that likes a human girl. I know she would never like me back, but being friends with her is more than enough.

"That's so nice of you sunshine!!!"

She went and set her stuff on her desk before sitting down and looking over her paperwork. That when I realized her hoodie.

'A Monty hoodie? Does she like him or something? I thought I was her favorite Animatronic.'

She looked up at me and noticed that I was staring so I quickly looked away and walked to the play area to get ready for the kids to come.


'The kids should be arriving any time now!'

I went over to the ball pit to wait for the kids. I glanced over at y/n so see her working on paperwork. I look back to the slide when I hear screaming coming from it. 3 kids come down the slide one after another. I pick up the kids and place them outside of the ball pit as they go greet y/n then run off to play.

'Y/N is so good with kids. And she treats them like if they were her own.'

I look back to the slide as the rest of the kids cone down and I put them outside of the ball pit. Two parents come through the door and hand the two toddlers off to Y/n.

Once all of the kids are off and playing I help y/n with the toddlers while also watching the other kids.


"Yes Sunny?"

"Do you want to to stay at the daycare for a sleep over tonight?"

She looked away and thought about it for a few seconds which made me a little nervous but I was still excited.

"Well I do have to meet with someone afterwork but I can come back after closing and we can have a sleepover then."

'She has to meet with someone? Who? Atleast she agreed! IM SO EXCITED! I HAVE TO GET EVERYTHING READY!
...but I have a lot of time so I can do that later.'

"YAY! We can build pillow forts and tell stories and watch a movie and-(bla bla bal)! Won't that be fun sunshine!"

"Ya!" She smiled and then went back to playing with the baby.

"Hey Sunshine?"

"Yes Sunny?"

"Who are you meeting after work?"

"Oh! I'm meeting with my best friend bs/f! I haven't seen him in awhile and he wanted to hangout so why not here!"

'Best friend? Wait...he? Is it like a date? No their just friends...right? Yeah! Totally just friends. Like sunshine and me! Even if I want to be more.'

"Yeah? How long have you known bs/f?"

"I met him in middle school. He was the new kid and about half way through the year we became friends. We went through a lot of drama together and helped eachother at our lowest. So he and I stuck together ever since... Maybe you could meet him! I could bring him to the daycare instead and we could hang out here untill closing! Then when he leaves we could have our sleepover! How does that sound Sunny?"


"Yeah! Well it's snack time so I'm gonna go grab the treats that I bought for the kids."

She walked away to her desk to grab the stuff while I watched the kids.

The rest of the day went by like normal.

Sun/Moon x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora