"Ok.. ok yeah" I said building more confidence.

"Look, she's almost done with Celia.. want me to come with you?" She asked me.

"Yes please.. that would be great, thanks" I said back to her with an appreciative smile, she smiled back.

She put her hand on my shoulder and we walked over to Naomi.

"Wassup Carlos, Evie?" She said to us and turned around, then she looked at us curiously.

How did she know? What gave it away? Maybe her magic, or was it just survival instincts?

"Uhm, hi umm.." I started, a bit shocked from her guessing our names before.

"I'm not gonna hurt you like last time, so spit it out" She said boredly.

I took a breath in and said, "hi". Remember, she didn't mean to almost kill you.

"Hi?" She responded.

"We wanted to know.. why you declined.. the uhm.. the chance to go to Auradon" I eventually said.

"I didn't want to leave yet. Still not finished here, you know, jobs to do, people to piss off" She said causally, "and I don't want to leave people here. But you don't understand that feeling, do you? Of being left behind." She said, getting our their faces.

We looked down with a shameful expression, she then added, "tell Mal congrats on the proposal and shit" I looked up at her but she already walked away.

"Well.. uh thanks Evs" I said to her.

"C'MON GUYS! LETS GO!" Jay yelled from the drivers seat.

"COMING!" Evie yelled back. She grabbed my hand and we went to the car together.


Naomi's POV

"Flamey-O! There you are!" I said to him.

"Shar? Come to see the show?" He asked. (IYKYK)

"Nope! Came to help you up off your feet when you fail" I said smirking at him.

"Ha-ha. Sooooo funny" he said sarcastically.

"Anyway, shall we?" I asked, offering my arm.

"Always" he said with an evil smirk.

We walked to the back of the crowd and I let go of him. "I'll be next to the gate to catch you" I said to him, leaving him in his own. I saw him roll his eyes before.

I just made it to the edge of gate when Hades ran up and put his arm through the barrier.

The car stopped and everyone except the kids got out. Mal and Evie looked shocked. Carlos, Jay and Ben ran forward to try tackle him but he blasted them with the ember.

I really couldn't help snickering when I saw them. I cleared my throat at the looks I was getting by Celia when she was in the car. I mouthed to her, 'not yet'.

Mal transformed into a dragon, I forgot she could do that. Hades had a look of realisation and acted without thinking, he must of thought it was Maleficent, he struck the scaley creature with his ember.

I got concerned for her, my eyes widened in shock, I looked around incase anyone was looking at me. I looked back towards Mal, she was in pain, a lot of pain.

I used my magic of controlling water and slowly it traveled up the side of the bridge and along it. I could see the Carlos, Jay, Evie and Beasty Boy look at it curiosly. Carlos looked at me and saw me with my hands out, with a slight glow, he knew I was doing this.

He slapped Jay and Ben on the arms and motioned to me with his head. The two looked over and saw me, still, with my hands out glowing. They stared wide-eyed at me, most likely surprised I did something.

The water has now caught the attention of Hades. I made it take form as a snake and made it spit a gust of water at him, with a sharp movement of me pulling my arm back. He fell off his feet and rolled back so far.

I made the water collapse onto the bridge and went to Hades. I pulled him up and he leant on me the entire way. I looked back to see that the Core Four were staring at me in shock, I smiled at them with a raised eyebrow.

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