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After what seems like hours the bedroom door finally opens. The first to emerge through the door is the beautiful man, now fully dressed. He is tall and svelte, with black hair and brown eyes you could get easily get lost in. He's followed by Brett, wearing just his jeans, who is busy pulling his zipper up.

The newcomer notices Eddy first and startles slightly.
He recovers very quickly and addresses him.

"Oh! Hello there." he says in a nice, melodic, low voice, which Eddy instantly hates.

Brett's head snaps up and catches Eddy's eyes.
"Eddy?! What are you doing here already?" he asks dumfounded.

"A better question would be: What is he doing here?!" Eddy snaps the words back at him through clenched teeth.

Brett looks at him for a long second, and then turns towards the man.
"Oscar, thank you for your services. I'll see you out now."
He then walks Oscar to the door. They whisper something Eddy can't hear, but the door closes very shortly after.

Brett sets himself on a chair besides the couch and looks at Eddy remorsefully.
He scrapes his throat.
"Uhm. Judging by your expression I assume you heard us?" he says cautiously. "Sorry you had to witness that, Eddy."

When Eddy opens his mouth, his voice is dangerously low.
"He's your boyfriend then?"

"No, of course not. We barely know each other."
Brett looks down to avoid Eddy's scorching look.

"BRETT! What the actual FUCK were you thinking?!" Eddy yells furiously.
"WHO is he then?!" He stands up, points at the door as if Oscar were standing there still.
"You are aware that he could ruin TwoSet because of this? I can already read the headlines all over internet: Brett Yang, the renowned classical musician from TwoSet violin, fucks random strangers!"

"Eddy, please, calm down? I'll explain."

"HOW?! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?!" proverbial steam is coming out of his ears.

"Sit down, please?" Brett keeps his calm. His face is as serious as he has ever seen.

Eddy breathes heavily. Because he doesn't know what else to do, he sits down again and nods.

"Eddy. He won't say anything."

"Right. And how can you be so sure? Why wouldn't he? He's fucked a famous YouTuber, so why wouldn't he want to brag about it to his friends? We talked about this! You remember?! No sleeping with fans, and taking extra precaution with relationships."

"I know that! Of course I know." Brett sighs as in defeat. He hesitates a short moment and says then: "That's why I hire from a well-known company."
Brett waits until the words get through the barrier of anger. When they do, Eddy's eyebrows raise towards the ceiling.
"He's a gigolo, Eddy. I pay a lot for his discretion. They have many famous people in their clientele. I'm a nobody in that respect, but they have a reputation to uphold. I'm sure they won't tell."

"Gi... You pay him?!" Eddy asks flabbergasted.
Brett nods. Eddy takes a moment to get his voice working again.
"How often do you do this?"

Brett knows he doesn't have to answer, but he is very aware he needs to keep talking so that Eddy won't explode like a volcano.
"Not every time you have your friend night, but once in a while." Brett says softly, looking up through his eyelashes.

"And then you order a man to fuck?" Eddy ask quietly, fully realising now what it all means.

Brett swallows hard before answering.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me?"
Tears immerge in the corners of Eddy's eyes. A sob leaves his mouth.
"You pay them to fuck?! Why didn't you just ask m..." his words fade out before he speaks them.

He gets up so quickly that Brett jerks back in surprise. He gives Brett a furious look while tears start to roll over his cheeks and then walks quickly to his own room, slamming the door shut.
He locks the door and throws himself on his bed and starts to cry softy.

A soft knock on his door makes Eddy look up.
He feels empty and tired to the bone.
What a shitty fucked up night is this?


"Fuck off. I don't want to talk. Go to sleep."

Eddy can hear the sigh from the other side of the door.
"Eddy. For what it's worth, I'm sorry."
There is a long pause. Is Brett hoping for an answer? He can wait forever then!
"Although I don't understand why you are so mad about it. I really played it safe, you know."

"FUCK OFF!" Eddy yells.
That bastard has no idea how he feels.
He will never understand.
What an asshole.

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