Chapter Eleven

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  Where are we going I asked David you will know when we reached there he replied smiling. He drove us to a restaurant and lead me inside . David "what is going on " I asked him. "O nothing I just want to have dinner with you alone "he replied."You  should have just say it instead of going through all this trouble "I told him.

After eating , ivy let take a walk before coming back for the car . No problem if the car is safe where it's packed we can come back for it . After walking for about three minutes, ivy you know ever since have met you in California that I have like you, he said. You can call that love at first sight he said again. Well I don't believe in love at first sight and how will I know if you and your friends don't plan this together I said. Ivy to be sincere with you Michael once told Jude and I about you and your friends he even mentioned about me liking you but I don't believe him until I set my eyes on you please give me the chance to be your boyfriend I promise I won't betray you he told me. David you have heard i have trust issues, am not promising you but I will think about it I told him. Thanks he smiled. Okay can we go home now I want to sleep I told him and smiled.

My vacation in Florida so far was wonderful, today I decided to check on dad so he can know I am at Florida without Isaac knowing. I got to know that he still stay at our old apartment, well what did I expect the house belong to him he bought it long time ago when I was nine and Isaac was twelve. I remember before leaving home I texted David I want to see him in the evening. I wrote our old address on paper and I leave home. On getting outside I stopped a taxi and told the driver the address so he drove me there.

We got to the familiar environment and I muttered this place do no change much. "Miss are you new here" the driver asked. Ohh no I grew up here I just moved to California for my college I told him and smiled knowing it have truth. Okay it a nice environment he said. Yes sir it is.
I ring the doorbell and someone came to open it,it was dad.

Hello, ivy brown what are you doing here . Will you let me come in or not I smiled. Come, come in welcome. Well not bad this house is bit•••• nice I told him and smiled did you live alone I asked him again. No I adopt someone he replied. Good Good Good,okay where is he or is it she I asked him. Ivy did you come here to interrogate me or to say hi to me .okay I came to see how you are doing.he went to the library .ooo he is a he and he went out , okay I just come to say hi to you I came to Florida for the semester break and am staying at Isaac's place.please if you see him in the future Don't let him to know I came here he is very angry with you and mom I told him ".

Okay he replied. Well can you please give me a cup of tea I am your guest I told him and smiled. Okay your highness on my way , I decided to follow him to the kitchen. The kitchen and dining are open so sitting on the dinning chair I can see the person in the kitchen. God how I love this place I muttered. I came to me and give me the tea. thanks after tasting hmm I missed you dad , nobody can take you place in my heart. I tear up and I really really disappointed in you and mom. Am sorry he replied. After some times someone open the door and come in . Hello am home he said. Come over here dad replied. On getting to the dinning room ivy met my son Solomon brown he is fourteen years old. Solomon met my daughter, your sister ivy brown dad introduce me to Solomon.

Solomon nice to meet you and you have a nice name I told him. Thanks sis he replied. Oh no problem well am leaving now dad I will continue to call and chat you . Solomon give me your number, he give it to me . Okay bye I waved at them.

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