Chapter 03

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Lily's POV
Being the gentleman that he is, Ryan walked me to all of my classes and had me sit with him and his friends at lunch.

The first one I met was Lauren who was Tyler's girlfriend. Lauren, has long cornsilk hair, fishy green eyes with pale eyebrows, and a height of 5'2. Lauren is apparently one of the most popular girls in school, she's standoffish and cold with me at first but after both Tyler and Ryan introduce me causing me to shyly say 'hello' she has a change of heart and sits me between both her and Ryan.

Lauren introduces me to everyone else at the table.

First there's Katie, who is plump in an apple shaped body with a short height of 5'1. She has massive waves of frizzy-curly red hair with sparkly blue eyes that both complement her pale skin. She's very feminine and wears dresses from the 50's and 60's. She's bubbly, kind, and a positive person to be around, it's no wonder the kids here gravitate towards her.

Then Ben, who stands at 5'10 and had Asian ancestry. His hair was only black and his eyes were dark brown and his behind thick black square glasses. He's sorta dorky with his love of superheroes and being in the photography club with Angela as well as the school newspaper with her.....his crush couldn't be more obvious.

Then Eric, who stands at 5'6 and also had Asian ancestry. He wears preppy and flamboyant clothes with a greasy, emo cut hairstyle that was probably a mistake for some preppy side sweep style. His eyes are dark brown and he wears reading glasses with a thin wire frame in a circular shape like Harry Potter. He's dorky like Ben, but also puppy-like, like Mike, except not as creepy.

And finally Angela, she was about 5'7 in height and had Latino roots. Her hair was dark brown, almost black and her eyes were a deep shade of umber that they almost looked like onyx as they hid behind her pink pearlescent glasses. Angela is very pure and kind hearted she has a very gentle and caring nature which was very comforting to me.

Angela had wanted to take my picture for the school paper as they were apparently going to do a feature on Bella and I, but Lauren shut it down. I was thankful for her because I didn't think I had the courage to say anything against it by myself.

"I'm sorry about your feature.... But you could always do something like teenagers mental health awareness or the obvious Speedo padding on the swim team" I shyly suggested making Angela perk up "Wait- those are good ones!" She excitedly conversed with Eric and Ben about it after thanking me.

I already know Mike so there was no need for more introductions, until another girl came bounding over with Bella in tow.

The new girl was apparently Jessica. Jessica, stood at 5'2 feet and kept her light brown hair in voluminous ringlet curls and had dark mascara and eyeliner to make her blue eyes pop out more. Her pale skin was taken care of and she lacked any blemishes. She wore fashionable clothing that complemented her natural color palette and wore soft but sweet perfumes.

In other words Jessica took very good care of her appearance in order to be seen as perfect like Bella, but unlike Bella this need for perfection stems from insecurity and a need to be loved not from her own narcissism.

Jessica like Katie had a bubbly and outgoing personality with a little bit of Lauren's confident and passionate attitude.

I instantly liked her because while she was insecure, she didn't allow that to stop her from being herself, even if she did act a little vain.

"Guys! You'll never guess who I ran into at the girls locker room!" Jessica said excitedly and proceeded to present Bella like a cat who caught a dead rat to it's owner. Bella put on her pouty lips and twirled her hair in a 'shy' manner before mumbling "Hi, I'm Bella Swan, the new girl" in a soft but deep voice that sounded as if she was trying to be seductive.

With five boys at the table that was probably the case. Especially with Ryan here.

The group (aside from Ryan and myself) greeted her back and introduced themselves. Mike seemed very interested in Bella due to the short length of her circus outfit and seemed to be not so subtly staring at her thighs as the skirt raised up when she sat between him and Jessica.

It was if he was trying to see her underwear, which he might be able to if that skirt goes any higher.

Jessica took notice of this and frowned causing me to speak up and say "Hi, I'm Lily, you're Jessica, right?" Drawing her attention away from her crush to me. She brightly smiled, but I could tell that it was faked and forced, and said "That's me!" I smiled back softly and said "You're really pretty, and I like how your purple scarf accentuates your eyes."

Jessica's eyes widened and her mouth drops slightly before she squeals and practically lunges over the table to glimpse me in a hug "Oh my gosh! You're so sweet and cute!" Lauren quickly stands up and says "Take it easy Jess!" Ryan's stands up to help her get Jessica off me revealing my beat red face that had been accidentally squished into Jessica's breasts a few moments prior.

"Can we keep her Lauren? Please! Please! Please!" Jessica begged making Bella frown and glare at me before Lauren groaned and said "Jessica, we've talked about this, you can't just keep people!" Jessica pouted and asked "Why not?" "Because they're not property!" Lauren said exasperated which made Jessica point at someone at the table and say "But we kept Angela, Katie, and Ben."

The trio in question let out huffs of playful indignation.

Jess turned to me and said "Starting today you refer to me and Lauren as your big sisters, okay?" I timidly nodded, slightly overwhelmed by her enthusiastic nature, but not all in a bad way.

Bella suddenly, very loudly, cleared her throat and gestured to the Cafeteria entrance and asked "Who are they?" Causing everyone to look over, and Lauren says "Oh, that's just the Cullens."

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