chapter one

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"Elizabeth please just open the door" Jack says desperately.

He repeatedly bangs on my door.

"Jack just go back downstairs and be with your friends"

"Don't make me break your door" he responds.

I wait for about five minutes before opening my door.
I thought maybe he might of gave up on me.

"Elizabeth" Jack breathes out, pulling me to him.

I grab him, unsure of my feelings, yet it it felt so right.

"Why have you been keeping this in for so long?" He asks.

I wait a while in his arms, I just don't want to let go.

"Jack you were the one who ended things" I pull away from him an walk to my room.

Jack grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Look I know I screwed up, but how could you blame me your so much more mature..and I was just gonna be a distraction in your life" he says looking down at his feet.

"Jack, do you understand how much I've had to pretend around you. I'm done pretending" I let out a sigh of relief.

He reaches down and presses his lips against mine, instantly I was taken back to the day.

This is a filler chapter, the next chapter will be great stay tuned! Don't forget to vote and comment 😆

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