Ew, School :(

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Chapter 2:

So today is Monday and Lexi and I have school. Great. So around here in Texas most people like eachother and have small farms but I get bullied because my farm is the biggest one in Texas. These 4 girls and there boyfriends always pick on me and call me names and push me around and make me feel insecure. But Lexi always stands up for me when it gets to be to much and so do my two other best friends and our boyfriends Lucas and Ty. Lucas is dating Lexi, they've been dating for 2 years and a half now. Ty has always been my best friend but when he asked me out 3 months ago I was so so so happy. I had always loved him and it turns out he loved me more then a friend! I've known Lucas since grade school. He was always there for me no matter what but Ty and I were alot closer because i've known him my hole life.

So Ty is super cute. He's got baby blue eyes with light light blonde hair and he's 16 going on 17, just a year older then me. He's 6'3 and has a 6 pack. His hair falls into his eyes but he always puts gel in it so it stays in place. He wears flat caps all the time and black skinny jeans with a blue v-neck and a purple sweat shirt. He loves wearing grey high tops, he's a size 8. So I steal those high tops sometimes because were the same size and well I obviously love them. He protects me all the time. And when I crie he holds me tight and tells me everything will be ok. He's the best!

Now for Lucas he's a special guy to all of us. Him and Ty are best buds and have known eachother forever. He's in love with Lexi. I can see it in his face and the way he looks at her. She dosn't see it yet but she will sooner or later. Anyways Lucas is 16 gonna be 17 in a few months just like Ty. He's 6'2 with a 6 pack too. Him and Ty always work out together. He's got that kind of messy dark brown hair look. He's got green eyes and he's a real horse boy. He loves to spoil Lexi so much and he treats her like a princess. He's really strong just like Ty and is funny, sweet and polite but rude when someone offends Lexi. Plus as a bonus for her, he's got a killer smile!

So first all four of us have French class, then Lexi and I have Math together while Ty and Lucas go to gym class. Then Ty and I have biologie together and Lexi and Lucas have science together. And we all have our last class which is chemistry. And then after school the boys have football practice and Lexi and I have our cheerleading practice. Then we all go to the mall for hours until atlease 12 am and then the boys stay at my place for the night. My aunt and uncle don't approve of them staying over night but we do it anyways! I wanna finish school. No get pregnant before I turn 20 like Jenny. She was 14 when she had her first baby boy and she's one of the girls that insults me all the time! What a slut.

Jenny Brown is lead cheerleader of the basketball team (luckly not the football team with Lex and I). She's only 5' and super skinny. I think she starves herself. Wouldn't surprise me. She's 16 and she's dating a 24 year old guy who lives in Kuntucky. Whore. She's got light brown hair and hazel eyes. She's slept with over 100 guys and there all over the age of 20. That's been since she was 11 years old. She lives with her nanny because her parents are gone all the time. She's a snutty bitch who dosn't care about anyone but herself and of course her boyfriend Todd. He's our age (she's cheating on Todd with the 24 year old dude). Slutty whore.

Todd is a 15 year old guy who lives in Texas too. He's 6' and has a 4 pack. He has black spicky hair with the lightest blue eyes ever. He treats me like a piece of shit and pushes me on the ground sometimes. Ty would always punch him but he would punch back and Ty would have a fat lip or a broken nose all because of me. He would stay at my place for weeks at a time because he didn't want his mom to see him like that. He loved her so much and thought he owed her so much because he's all she had left. His father died when he was 12 and his sister commited suicide when he was 14 because she didn't wanna fight with anyone anymore and couldn't handle her dad passing away. She was only 17.

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