"Yuvaraja." A warning came from the King.

"I must apologise for seeming pretty disrespectful and speaking out of turn but I do request the Lord to look at this once." The Queen arrived at the scene. Rani Anvesha was a woman much respected in the Kingdom. Her wise nature and intelligent mind were such a gift that she managed the Kingdom's finances. But her political suggestions were not taken by the Prime Minister Mayavan.

Once the papers were looked at the Tadaka reincarnated almost gulped.
"You are new here, sweetie. So, just stay in place, do what you are here for and keep your head down." Anvesha whispered. Anyone who thought the second Queen was a submissive little second wife, they were quick to hit the ground.

Shakra almost wanted to sympathize with the Tadaka lookalike. Being shown her place by the Queen was not a pleasant experience.

"There are many women in this Kingdom, Patrika. No one can tell when the King takes fancy. You're not special. Not even his wife. So, stay what you are. Play his temporary lover, take all the fortune and disappear when his fancy is done. Don't play politics when you're an amateur."

"Chinnamma, easy. I get your jealousy but take pity on the poor woman."
Anvesha turned and raised an eyebrow at the Prince. She gave a smile that Shakra knew very well.

"Yuvaraja, it would be a great favour if you arrive at my palace for a little time. A bit of time for your step-mother, perhaps?"

"Of course, Amma." He answered. Not that he had a choice. The mother had practically ordered him to get his ass to her palace for a nice scolding.

Shakrajit sighed and followed the step mother. The moment they entered her private chambers, she gave a look. "Would it hurt too much to actually think first, Jit?" She asked.

"Amma, I know he met up with the enemies and passed on information. My eyes are proof enough."

"Jit, things don't always work like that. We need to show proof to the court or else you'll be kicked out soon as a madman on a rampage."
Shakra lazily took a seat and feasted on a pear.

"Amma, Basava would have found the proof. You didn't need to worry."

"I am your mother, boy. It is my job to worry for you if you don't get your act together. We don't all carry the weight on our shoulders for fun. We are all doing everything so you stay on the path to be the King. Akka didn't give up on the King because she failed. She waited 11 years for you to return because her hope was solely on you. Don't let her down."

"Amma also knows I'm capable of ruling."

"The way I see it, you are on the right path to become exactly like your father. Unlike the imaginary hope I built that you will be more like your mother."

"That's unfair. You know well that my interest has always stayed with Mayurakshi. That's nothing like your husband."

"Shakrajit." She warned him.

He laughed and stood up. "Amma, don't try to threaten someone with that tone who knows how many nights you have spent crying for your husband. Foolish are people who do not know where to expect loyalty."

"I am not having this conversation with you, Jit."

"There is no need for it, Amma. I already know all about it. To be honest, I blame your father for being a fool to not find a better husband for you."
She raised an eyebrow as a signal for him to shut up.

"My crying, my heart, and my decisions are my problem. Don't push your way into them and try to act like a healer. I don't need one."

He chuckled. "It's fine. At least you'll talk about it with 24 other women suffering the same pain."

"Get out." She ordered.

Shakra got up and chucked the core of the pear in the empty tray. "You enjoy your wonder about love. I'll enjoy it too."

Anvesha sighed loudly and pressed her temples. "For Kalika's sake, Jit, why are you so obsessed with her?"

"Amma, it is the property of the mind to always wander to the things it is not supposed to. Then again, who would not be obsessed with someone like her?  Her eyes are like a sharp dagger that pierce right through me." He answered with a large grin on his face and walked out.

Anvesha watched him disappear out of her chamber. She could admit that Rajkumari Mayurakshi did have that beauty but it wasn't rare for Shakra to see beautiful women. That she couldn't understand. Why was he so deeply drawn to her? She wasn't the only beautiful girl. Her beauty could be matched with several other Princesses. She wasn't the greatest warrior Princess. Frankly, Shakra doesn't care for any other aspect but those two then why did she attract him so much?


This is Chapter 3. Please vote and comment guys. It is quite heartwarming to read comments. It encourages me to write more.

As of now, I'm not sure if the story is exciting to you guys. I know this is just the beginning and it sounds a little bore or slow but just hang on.

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