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"Where's the other one?"

Beomgyu looked behind him then shrugged. "I dunno where he went."

The teacher sighed. "Is he skipping?"

Beomgyu shrugged again.

"Just sit down."


"Hey baby."

Beomgyu smiled at Yeonjun. "Hi."

"Did you bring your moms food?"

Beomgyu nodded and got the food from his bookbag.

"Oh my goodness!" Yeonjun smiled.

He loved Beomgyus mom cooking.


"Good evening, Beomgyu."

Beomgyu smiled. "Hi."

They were at Yeonjuns house.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Yeonjuns mom asked.

"Yes." Beomgyu nodded.



During dinner Beomgyu so tired he fell asleep at the table.

"Is he asleep?" Yeonjuns mom asked.

"I think so.." Yeonjun put a hand on Beomgyus shoulder.

"Let him sleep."



When Beomgyu woke up he was still at the table and Yeonjun was still next to him as well.


Yeonjun looked at him and smiled. "Hi baby.."

Beomgyu sighed and sat up.

"Come on, let's go to bed."

Beomgyu nodded.


"Where were you?"

"Yeonjuns." Beomgyu mumbled.

It was the next morning and he had to come back home.

"For a whole night?"

"Yeah..? I told you and mom." Beomgyu went to him room, already knowing his dad was following him.

"I didn't hear a word about this."

"Mom did." Beomgyu laid down, ready to fall asleep again."

"Well mom isn't the boss around here. I'm the man."

"A man who still gets whooped, leave me alone, it's 7 in the morning."

"You're grounded."



"Hey Beomgyu." Beomgyus mom smiled at him.

"Hi mom.."

"What's wrong?"

"Dad hit me." Beomgyu said, looking at his dad.

"Oh, did he?" She asked, placing the groceries down.

Beomgyu nodded.

"Okay, I'll handle him, you put up the groceries."



"Hi Hyung." Beomgyu kissed Yeonjuns cheek.

"Hi." Yeonjun grabbed his hand.

They were gonna go on a date but it was storming so they decided to have a date/movie night at Beomgyus house.

"Are you ready? The popcorn is almost done!"



"Goodnight Beomgyu, I love you."

"Love you mom!"

"Goodnight Yeonjun."


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