Eobard Thawne

2 0 0

Battles with The Flash

Potential Energy - The Flash S2 E10

The Reverse-Flash Returns - The Flash S2 E11

Killing Barry's Mother

Flashpoint - The Flash S3 E1

Posing as Harrison Wells

Pilot - The Flash S1 E1

Fastest Man Alive - The Flash S1 E2

Things you can't Outrun - The Flash S1 E3

Going Rouge - The Flash S1 E4

Plastique - The Flash S1 E5

The Flash is Born - The Flash S1 E6

Power Outage - The Flash S1 E7

Flash Vs Arrow - Flash S1 E8

The Man in the Yellow Suit - Flash S1 E9

Revenge of the Rogues - Flash S1 E10

The Sound and the Fury - Flash S1 E11

Flash Back - The Flash S2 E17

Flash Back - The Flash S2 E17

Crazy for you - Flash S1 E12

The Nuclear Man - Flash S1 E13

Fallout - Flash S1 E14

Out of Time - The Flash S1 E15

Rouge Time - The Flash S1 E16

Tricksters - The Flash S1 E17

All Star Team Up - The Flash S1 E18

Who is Harrison Wells? - The Flash S1 E19

The Trap - The Flash S1 E20

Grodd Lives - The Flash S1 E21

Rogue Air - The Flash S1 E22

Fast Enough - The Flash S1 E23

Killing Barry's Mother

Flashpoint - The Flash S3 E1

(Being pulled out of the timeline by Season 3 Barry creates an abarrition that allows Eobard to survive Eddie's death)

Battling the Legends

Out of Time - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E1

The Justice Society of America - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E2

Compromised - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E5

The Chicago Way - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E8

Potential Energy - The Flash S2 E10

The Reverse-Flash Returns - The Flash S2 E11

Raiders of the Lost Art - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E9

The Legion of Doom - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E10

Turncoat - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E11

Camelot/3000 - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E12

Land of the Lost - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E13

Moonshot - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E14

Fellowship of the Spear - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E15

Doomworld - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E16

Aruba - Legends of Tomorrow S2 E17

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