Chapter 11 - I Have No Home

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Present Day

"So it was your cousin, Malcolm?" I was shocked, sure it had been the old witch or his Uncle.

"Aye, and I'd like to say he was crazed, out of his heid, but he looked clear and sober, as if the whole thing was planned."

"He didn't account for Margaret's Aunt though, or the fire."

"No, he didn't."

I realised that William being sent to my time had actually saved his life, for he surely could have perished in the fire even if he had escaped Malcolm's murderous intent. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and squeezed.

"Ah lass, tis fine. I'm here, alive and well."

"But you can't go back, there's nothing there now. Jamie is gone. Malcolm is gone. And your uncle...."

"He did the only thing he could, he married Margaret to uphold the clan's honour."

"Yes, and he had lost his home, so they took him in really. That was kind of them," there was precious little good to come out of any of it, I was grasping at straws really. "But why? Why did Malcom kill Jamie?"

"He must always have wanted to succeed me as Laird, he just hid it well. He and Jamie were close as brothers, but like brothers there was a competitive rivalry between them, I always thought it was more a playful thing, but now I wonder how I missed it. Jamie wasn't really interested in taking over from me, not at his young age, he would have made a good Laird in time, but Malcolm was always beside me, and I realise now he was learning the role, and making himself indispensable, hoping mayhap I'd see he would be a better choice."

"But you didn't notice, and he was mad about it."

"Aye, that could be the case. But he also knew that if Jamie and I were gone, he would be the one expected to marry Margaret. He would be taking everything that was Jamie's."

"But wouldn't your Uncle be Laird with you and Jamie gone?"

"No," he explained about the rules of succession and Michael's illegitimate status.

"I feel bad for suspecting Michael," I said sadly.

"I thought it was him as well, both at the time, and until my memory returned."

"I really thought it could be the priest."

"Father Mulvaney?" He looked shocked. "But why? He had no reason."

"I don't know. It's always the priests in those TV murder mysteries!"

William laughed, pulling me closer.

"So," I mused. "If we search nearby, we should also find Malcolm's bones."

"Aye, I expect so."

"And we know what started the fire now."

"Yet the bones - Jamie - weren't burned you said?"

"No," I frowned, trying to work out why.

"I think I understand. I think the castle partly collapsed, trapping his body in a type of tomb."

"Yes, that could be it. Also I don't think the fire would have been that hot. I wonder why they didn't just put it out?"

"Perhaps that is where the superstition comes in, after all, I disappeared in front of them all. I don't think they stayed around to fight the fire."

"Oh, yes that makes sense."

I was nodding madly, giddy with the excitement of solving the crime, not realising at first that for William this was all recent, and the news that his brother had been murdered by his cousin and his home burned to the ground would be devastating. As if it hit him all at once, he buried his head into my shoulder. I knew he would not allow me to see him cry, but he didn't hide it either. I felt his tears against my skin and stroked his hair as he released his grief.

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