fainting in the shower

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mm18827 this one's for you ❤️

the loud BANG startles him mid sentence.. the quick scream makes his heart race. he turns around. his breath heavier.

there you are. on the shower floor. unconscious.

he's frantic. voice desperate. shakes violent.

'fuck— '

one hand supports your head while he calls for you. his other around your waist.

'please.. baby'

and when you stir awake, he lets out a sigh of relief.

'H— '

'shh— shh. s'alright love.. jus' fainted.. that's all'

and tears fall down your face. body shaking beneath him.

he holds you close, soft lips pressed to your temple.

's'no need to cry'

he's mumbling soft words, running his fingers through your hair and for a while you stay like that. hands clinging around him. tears falling.

'look at me angel'

and you do.

's'okay.. you're okay.. i've got you'

he's asking the important questions. 'does it hurt' 'are you bleeding' 'need me to call a doctor'. you simply shake your head.

he's brushing his hand through your hair, washing away all the shampoo.

he's wrapping a warm towel over you, pressing a light kiss to your skin.

he's carrying you to the bedroom, helping you get dressed, trailing soft kisses to your skin.

he's holding you against his chest, brushing away the tears and after a while you calm down.

he continues whispering against your skin, his fingers brushing over it. it's delicate shapes. soft feeling that makes your heart thump. but it follows the rhythm of his.

'i love you'

your eyes meet his, a sheepish smile appearing on your face.

he leans in, placing a gentle kiss to your lips.

'i love you too'

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