past abuse

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blazingmoonshine this one's for you Xx

there he stands. hands in the air. shouting in anger. but his face softens when he sees you flinch. 'do— don't hurt m— me'.

you fall weak to your knees.. hopeless.. numb.. scared.

'hurt you?' he's confused. 'I would never hurt you'.

and that breaks your heart. tears uncontrollable.

'oh lovebug' he coos.

he coaxes you to hold onto him.. and you do. hands clinging to his sides. tears soften, muffle between his tee.

'hey.. hey, lovebug.. you're okay.. i've got you' he comforts you.

and for a while it's like that. desperate cries. soft strokes to your hair. gentle whispers. delicate kisses.

'shh— shh.. lovebug' he coos again.

it's the little hiccups that makes him smile. the golden flickers in your eyes that has his heart racing. the dimples between your lips that has butterflies rumble in the pit of his stomach. but it's also the quiet 'need you.. can't loose you.. won't loose you' that shatters his world. that's you.

'y/n.. angel' his voice is soft but stern. 'need you to be honest with me'.

he carries you to the sofa. head resting against his chest as you sit on his lap. he's stroking your hair again, holding you close so you can feel his heart beat. that keeps you calm.

and with shaky breaths you begin your story.

'when i was 16..' your voice breaks.

he takes in a shaky breath. but keeps himself collected.

'i dated this guy..' you continue.

he squeezes your hand. nudges the tip of his nose against yours. with shaky tears, you tell him. it's desperate tears. face nuzzled into his chest. he grips your waist. his soft whispers soothing your tears. 'could never hurt you.. lovebug' 'not gonna loose me' 'proud of you' 'cry it all out'.

'oh lovebug' he coos. 'my sweet lovebug'

you cling onto him tighter. more tears falling. at some point you're sitting over his hips. face buried in the crevice of his neck. he lets you cry. sways your frail body gently side to side.

'shh— shh. i'm right here. not gonna hurt you' he comforts you.

and with a drawn-out kiss to your forehead, he carries you upstairs.

'please.. n— no.. don't want to.. please. H.. stop.. STOP' you scream.

his heart races, feeling your body tremble beneath him.

'shh— shh, lovebug.. just gonna take you to bed.. to cuddle' he assures you.

and he does so. your head resting on his chest as he presses light kisses to your hair. your fingers nervously fiddle with his. tears still falling. but he kisses them away.

'no more hurting.. i promise'..

you believe him. with every hope in your heart.

'promise?' you ask him to be sure.

'i promise' he assures you.

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