"are- are you her boyfriend?" she asked me looking at my face.

i sighed and gave her a small smile.

"not exactly, but i do love your sister. do you think i should ask her to be my girlfriend?" i whispered to her.

"yes." she giggled.

i smiled and chuckled back at her. she looks exactly like delilah. her blonde waves reached her shoulders and her bright blue eyes were complimented by the light freckles spread on her nose. and for a moment i forgot what we were doing at a hospital. i forgot that delilah was fighting for her life on a table in an operating room.

greys anatomy has now turned into real life and now i finally understand what all those people feel like sitting in a waiting room hoping their loved one is ok.

i held the girl in my arms as i gave luke a side hug and briefly introduced myself to her step father. i kind of understand why she doesn't like him. he seemed like it was torture for him to have to wait for his step daughter to get out of surgery.

we all sat down waiting for any news. it was now an hour later and quinn, chloe and nico came walking into the waiting room.

they spotted us and we sadly smiled at them as they walked over. i ignored as they started talking to her mom and my family and i kept playing with aurora.

she was a good distraction from everything that is happening. she wrapped her little fingers around my hand and messed with the rings on my fingers.

this reminded me of the car ride with delilah. when i kissed her. i can't believe the last time i saw her in person was when i kissed her. i took a deep breath and kissed the top of auroras head as i took a ring off one of my fingers and held it to her. she took it and smiled up at me.

i smiled back and averted my attention to the doctor that walked in the waiting room.

"delilah paisley?"

everyone but her stepdad stood up and made their way to the doctor. i held aurora in my arms as i walked over.

the doctor looked surprised at the amount of people that walked over to him but gave a smile anyway.

"after a very extensive surgery we finally got her stabilized. she had some major breakage to her left arm and a couple broken ribs, as well as a major concussion and some internal bleeding but we fixed her all up and she's ok." everyone collectively sighed in relief and i smiled looking down at aurora.

"shes in intensive care right now and is being watched over. she is in a coma due to the fatal injuries and intense procedures but she should wake up within a few days. we can allow three people in her room at a time, but i do have to warn you, she has bruises and cuts all on her body so she does look really beat up. in other words i think it's best we let the little one stay in the waiting room."
"but, jacky, i wanna see her."
"i know, princess but she needs a lot of rest right now. how about you stay with me while your mom and dad go visit her, yeah?"

i walked back over to where we were sitting and watched over aurora while her mom and stepdad went to go visit delilah.

when they came back ana took aurora from my arms and told me to go see delilah.

"momma i want to stay with jack."
"i know baby, but let's let jack go see deli, ok? he missed her while she was here."
"ok.. bye jacky, tell delilah i hope she feels better."
"i will, princess." i gave her forehead a kiss and walked with my mom and luke over to her room.

"talking helps a lot. a bunch of patients react to people talking sometimes they can hear what you say." a nurse said as she stepped out of her room.

i took a deep breath and held my mom's hand as we walked into her room.

what the doctor said was only the minimum. delilah looked like she had been torn up and then repaired with nothing but a needle and thread.

luke took one good look at her before gagging and running out of the room with his hand over his mouth.

"i'm gonna go check on your brother." my mom said and rubbed my shoulder.

i didn't blame him. looking at her state made it hard to not feel your stomach flip upside down. i kept my insides down as i walked over to her side and held her hand that wasn't in a cast.

i sat there in silence just studying her once happy and bright face now replaced with a black eye and scratches along her cheeks.

i sighed and lot out an exasperated chuckle. i could not believe this was happening right now.

"hey delilah... it's jack, although i'm sure you could probably already tell.. i'm not really sure what i'm supposed to be saying.. aurora told me to tell you she hopes you feel better... she's a cute little one... she reminds me a lot of you, she's your 'mini me'... i love you so much, delilah." i choked on my words.

"you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and i don't know what i'd do with myself if you weren't ok... luke tried coming in but couldn't, and i don't blame him. this is hard for me too. my mom went to make sure he's ok. your moms great, by the way. she's really nice and she called me family which made me really happy. it means everything to me that my family loves you but it means so much more that your family loves me too." i kept talking to her before my mom walked back in with trevor.

i decided to give someone else a chance to see her so i walked back out and let quinn go see her. luke was sitting on a chair in a corner with swollen eyes and quivering lips.

"i told her you tried... she's a very forgiving person, luke, i'm sure it's ok that you couldn't go in."
"worst birthday present ever.." he mumbled.

i walked away and took aurora in my lap.

"did you tell her what i said?"
"i did, princess.. i did."

A/N :

i've officially finished writing this book so i will be posting parts at least twice a day. let me know if you want me to make bonus chapters!

love y'all for reading so far <3

This Love~...                                       Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now