"Bring it, Tsurugi!"

Ibuki, in the heat of the moment, forgot about his leg injury and stood up. "Shinsuke! You're the last stronghold! Stop him!"

"Here I come, Nishizono!"

"I'll stop you!"

"Bicycle Sword!"

Shinsuke stood still in front of the goal. Then, just as the ball touched his head, a large amount of smoke appeared as a fire was lit beneath his feet. "Ginga Rocket!" He started going straight up, like a rocket launch, and just when he reached high enough, he headbutted it back into a faraway galaxy (or in reality's case, out of the field).

"He stops it! Nishizono protects the goal with a new hissatsu technique! Incredible!"

He only believed it after those words reached his ears. Then, he jumped up and held a hand out to the bench as if asking for a highfive. "Yes! I blocked it, Ibuki!"


"That was amazing, Shinsuke!" Aoi cheered from beside him.

Kimiko sat still in her seat, giving him only a smile and a thumbs up, but her mind was connected to someone else.


Someone who immediately knew what she was going to say.

Dang, did you read my mind this time?

You literally invade my head every time I shoot, regardless of the outcome.


Her eyes followed him as he moved back to his side of the field, but got sidetracked once again with Ichikawa's behavior. This time, she felt a familiar pulse of energy when she placed her focus on him. It was very small, but...

Her eyes narrowed. I know he's Zanark's ancestor, but an awakening? In this era? There's no way... right?


What is this... this passionate feeling boiling up within me? It's not my Soul...

Ichikawa had a hand on his heart as he tried to work out what was wrong with him. He has had several instances where he found it difficult to control himself throughout the journey, but this was the first time that it felt like his chest wanted to burst.

"Hey, hey, hey! The field is heating up even more with the fierce offense and defense of both teams, baby!"

That can all come later. Focus, Zanakurou. Focus!

"Kazaana Drive!" The captain got through with his hissatsu and kicked the ball hard. "Zanakurou!"

He reacted just in time to get the ball. Thinking fast, he made a power shot just as he got in front of the goal... but the keeper caught it effortlessly.

"Is that all you've got?"

He clicked his tongue at that, but then he felt it again. That pulsing from within his chest. It was starting to hurt.

As he moved back to prepare himself for a counter attack, his eyes locked with his trainer. Kimiko-san...?

Her gaze remained on him without a sound. He tried to dig into his brain, but realized that she just wasn't saying anything to him at all. Only staring... Almost glaring.

His attention was ripped away from her as the flames of Shindou's hissatsu tacitic entered his line of view. The ball followed the streaks of fire through the midfield, and then to the captain.

Matatagi was too far from the goal, meaning that once again, he was the only one available to shoot. He used his specialty with nimble movements to dodge the defenders just as the ball reached him.

"Shoot it, Zanakurou!"

He gave a nod, but just before he was able to advance, Barga appeared before him. With how close they were standing, the alien seemed huge to him.

The pulsing got stronger.

What is this? This surging that seethes from deep within my body...!

"Ichikawa!" His eyes snapped open when her voice entered his ears. "Stop holding yourself back! It'll only hurt you! Let everything out! Your spirit, your emotions, everything that makes you what you are!"

"Ichikawa-san, haven't you ever felt trapped in your current life?"


"You've always been uptight, and I get that it's because of your upbringing, but... Haven't you ever wished to do more? Specifically, when none of your family or business friends are around."

He blinked, tilting his head slightly. "I do not believe so. I am happy with my life right now, and I have always enjoyed each and every day of practice and performance."

"It's not just about enjoying your day." She sighed. "Maybe you don't realize this now, but I think you do desire for freedom. Or maybe you do realize it, but your surroundings have continuously taught you not to act on it."

"I... do not understand what it is you are saying."

She took one glance at him before letting out another sigh. "All I'll say is that soccer isn't a sport you can play while holding yourself back. It is the complete opposite of kabuki acting, where you need to portray the feelings of a character without your own biases. So when the time comes, I suggest you forget all about family status and do what you feel like doing."

That entire conversation replayed in his mind a million times over within seconds. Soccer isn't a sport you can play while holding back... Do what I feel like doing... His eyes landed on the giant in front of him. I feel like... letting it burst!

A scream escaped his lips almost immediately. He didn't know what happened, but Barga was no longer in front of him when he looked up.

"I'm gonna score a point!" Lightning appeared on his fingers as the ball lifted up to his chest. "I resurrect it right here and now!" And a golden wind siwlred all around him as his feet left the ground. "Great Max na Ore!"

He let out another scream as he kicked the ball towards the goal. Then, it was like he blacked out, but he came to a second later and found that he had scored their second point.

"Alright! I did it!" He gave Kusaka a highfive.

The brunette was cheering with him, along with all the others.

His eyes then went straight to the bench, where his trainer was smirking. Was this... what you intended for me from the start?

Oh, no. I was pleasantly surprised... but I did have a feeling you were more powerful than you could ever think.

How so?

Maybe I'll explain later.

That meant that she wouldn't explain at all. He let out a small sigh. Well, he'll let it pass for now. What's important is that they secure their win with the next goal.

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