Chapter 06 - A Curious Corridor

Start from the beginning

He walked in with a nasty snarl, with his usual empty eyes and feeling of despair. Samson couldn't help but think that his hair looked like a mop with a large bald spot in the centre.

"Right," croaked Filch, "Unfortunately, I've been assigned to deal with you lot for today, so I'm letting Mrs. Norris keep an eye on all the other students."

Mrs. Norris? Was that some professor Samson hadn't met?

"But anyways," Filch grumbled, "Might as well mark the roll." With every name, a student called out, 'Here', or 'Present'.

"Alright, Jon Grey? Tulip Karasu? Rowan Khanna?" Filch ticked, "Ugh, the Sullivans. Samuel Sullivan? Samson Sullivan? Samwise Sullivan? Your family better stay out of trouble."

Samwise eyed Samson, mouthing, 'Thanks a lot'. Whether that was genuine or sarcastic, it didn't make the Gryffindor feel a lot better.

"I remember your brother," continued Filch, "Real piece of work. Anyways, Nymphadora Tonks?"

A girl with pink spiky hair and Hufflepuff colours spoke up, "Just. Tonks."

Filch groaned, "I don't really care."

Samuel looked around in agitation. Samson already knew what he was thinking - the unfairness that Merula got off scot free.

Filch yawned, "Do whatever for the following hour, I don't care. Just don't leave the room."

How fun.

After the period, Samson rushed out of the class. "Stupidest thing I've ever done..."

He didn't even look back at his brothers.

He just kept walking, and walking, and walki- BUMP!

Samson looked up, "I am so sorry for that!" He apologised.

He didn't know what he expected, but it definitely wasn't a cute blonde girl. "Oh it's alright," she giggled, "I should have been watching my step."

Samson stared into her eyes - blue, like his. A beautiful shade, he thought. Then he realised how creepy it was that he was examining the girl's face. Fortunately, it seemed she was doing the same.

"Wait," the girl paused, "Are you Samson Sullivan?"

Samson turned red. She knew his name. "Uh- er- yes." he stuttered, "How did you know?"

Penny laughed, "You look exactly like my friend Samantha. Your sister, am I correct?"

"Oh, yeah..."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Penny Haywood, by the way."

Samson was about to speak up to say more, until the two heard a sound from the end of the corridor.

It was Filch and Snape. "How was detention duties?" asked Snape, pleased, "Horrible, I assume."

Filch grimaced, "It was fine, Severus. But I have something else to discuss with you..."

The two adults definitely hadn't noticed Samson and Penny, as they spoke as if they were alone.

"Mrs. Norris and I have found the vault here, in this corridor." Filch declared, picking up a cat and stroking it.

"Show me." Snape demanded, as Filch led him.

Samson whispered, "Should we still be here?"

Penny smiled, "No, but let's follow them."

She grabbed Samson's hand and pulled him along with her, sneaking after the two. They then stopped and hid behind a pillar, just out of sight.

"Who else knows about the vault and ice?" Snape questioned.

"Nobody," explained Filch, "Not even Dumbledore."

Snape paused. "Well then I will have to inform him. After all, this could all be related to Jacob Sullivan."

Jacob? Samson thought.

"Your brother?" whispered Penny, "I wonder that they could be talking about..."

The two adults then parted ways. "Very well then." they both announced, leaving from the opposing doorways.

Penny and Samson then walked out from the pillar. "What could they have meant...?" questioned Penny.

Samson shrugged. "Beats me."

He then looked down, realising that he was still holding Penny's hand. He quickly let go. "Oh, sorry." He apologised.

"It's alright," giggled Penny. "I guess I'll be seeing you, then?"

Samson nodded, as the two parted ways.

The Gryffindor Common Room was expansive, bright, and large. It was littered with red and gold colours, as Samson sat down on the floor, besides Ben, on the couch. It was loud and filled, with everybody talking to one another. He had begun explaining his day, eventually reaching the point of the-

"Cursed Vault. At least, that's what I think it is." said Samson.

Ben gasped, "Woah. This is huge news! It's involving your brother!"

The room fell silent, all eyes staring at Ben.

"Uhh, I mean your little brother!" Ben quickly added, to avoid suspicion.

And so everyone returned to their conversations.

"Wow, Ben, you're so subtle." Samson joked.

Ben moaned, "It's not my fault! I'm not good with secrets!"

Samson stops up, extending an arm out to Ben.

"So... You don't want to join me in exploring the vault tonight?"

Ben paused, thinking, before grabbing Samson and pulling himself up. "I'm in."

"Why did I say that?!" cried Ben, fearfully. He and Samson were at the corridor, which was much scarier at night. The shadows... The cobwebs...

"We'll be fine..." Samson reassured, although it was as if he was reassuring himself as well.

Finally, the pair reached the door. They shared a quick glance at one another. "You ready?" Samson asked.

"Y-yes..." Ben shook.

"Are you ready?" repeated Samson.

"Yes." Ben announced.

"I asked, are you READY?" Samson chimed.


"I can't hear you!"

"I'M READY!" Ben roared.

Samson had most certainly boosted the moral, although with the echo of the room, he began to regret it. "Maybe we should keep the volume down..."

The two boys gripped the handle, counting down.





"What?" Ben questioned, "It won't open!"

Samson frowned, "It's locked! We'll never get in!"

Just then, the two of them heard a noise amongst the night.

"W-what was that?" Ben shivered.

"I don't know!" Samson squealed, as the two ran back to the Common Room...

"Meow." purred the noise.

The Sullivan Hogwarts Mystery: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now