"Huh?" Hyunsuk still couldn't process what is currently happening. He said that to make Jihoon give up. But why does he feel like he just did something opposite? He looks totally hyped by his words. Before Hyunsuk could say something to make the younger Alpha stop looking all very hyped, Hyunsuk felt something soft on his lips. Touching his lips very gently. Hyunsuk couldn't really process his thoughts to react and just stayed like that for a few seconds before Jihoon pulled out. Jihoon stares directly into Hyunsuk's eyes without saying anything. "What are you doing?"

"Kissing you for seven seconds," Jihoon said. "I'll make you fall for me,"

"You think you can?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Well. You like my kiss that night. You even like my body and you like sleeping with me," Jihoon said. "The award show will be in 7 months. That's your favorite number, right? I'll work hard for this 7 months and I'll ask you again,"

Jihoon cupped Hyunsuk's cheeks and kissed him again. Hyunsuk didn't even know why he didn't push the Alpha away. And Jihoon is very glad that the older Omega didn't suddenly push him, slap him or beat him up. It's a gamble. Jihoon tried to do it straightforwardly. No tricks. Nothing to hide. He just wants the Omega in front of him to be his.

"Cute," Jihoon said after he pulled out.

"I am not cute," Hyunsuk stated.

"I'll call you later," Jihoon said.

"Please don't," Hyunsuk responded. Jihoon just smiled and walked out of the studio. As soon as the door closed, Hyunsuk heavily sighed. He looked at the date on the desktop. 7 months, huh? And it will be his 7th Alpha that he put on a trial period. But the difference is, the Alpha is the one who eagerly wants to date him and he already slept with him the first day they met. Did he just get himself involved with an obsessive person or something? Like why the hell he is so persistent like that? Hyunsuk massages his temple. "What's wrong with your cousin, Park Jeongwoo?"


Hyunsuk walked out from the bathroom after he took a shower. He just got back from the company after he finished editing the song he recorded with the idol group T5 earlier today. He will meet the group at their company the day after tomorrow. Hyunsuk sighed at the thought of him going to meet Park Jihoon again. Park Jihoon is alright but he is young and still new in his career. Hyunsuk just knows that it will be him who'll take care of him if they ever dated and Hyunsuk didn't want that to happen.

Hyunsuk walked into his bedroom to grab his phone. He noticed that there's a receipt on the floor. He didn't see that earlier. Probably it's from his jacket. Hyunsuk took the receipt. He didn't remember that he ever bought something from the chicken store. Is it really his? Hyunsuk notices there's something written at the back of the receipt. Oh. It's Park Jihoon's phone number. That's why the Alpha said that he didn't even call him last night. Jihoon already left his number. But it doesn't matter anyway. He already decided that he won't date the younger Alpha.

Hyunsuk went to the kitchen to prepare a simple meal for him to eat. He hasn't eaten anything since the morning. Hyunsuk scrolled on his phone while eating. And the first thing he sees is an article by Park Jihoon. It's an article stating that a cut from a live variety show he went to gained more than 5 million views in less than 2 days. It's already the same par as S-Class artists. The article also mentioned that there's a lot of creators on TikTok recreating the situation that Jihoon told on the show as a challenge. There are some celebrities posting the challenge as well.

"They really make it as a challenge, huh?" Hyunsuk mumbled.

Hyunsuk was drunk when he accidentally kicked his shoes and it hit Jihoon's back that time. He didn't even expect that the Alpha would come to him and put his shoes back on him like that. He was charmed by his attitude and visuals. Even if he's not drunk, he probably will have asked Jihoon's number or something. Jihoon is indeed a charming guy. Looking at the articles that are trending now, there's a high possibility for Jihoon to be even more famous now. But if he even debuted as a soloist, he still won't get the main award based on the releases now. But it is definitely possible for Jihoon to get the Best Soloist Award next year if he maintained his popularity like this.

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