"Is something wrong with it?"

Howard stood up from his seat and took a step forward towards me which made me make one backwards hoping he'd understand that I didn't want to be close to him.

"Someone as smart and as pretty as you can't make mistakes, of course there's nothing wrong" he flirted, he's flirting with me, why is he flirting with me?!

"I was just wondering who will be on the art? Is it you Sam?" He smirked creepily, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. He was disgusting, talking to me like that, a student, and years younger than him.


"Mr Howard, respectfully, I suggest you watch your mouth." Someone said from the door, Lola slowly walked towards us and put herself between me and our professor.

"I am allowed to speak to my students re-" he tried to defend his actions but she cut him off.

"..regarding their work, school related work, right. I don't think asking Miss Falcon if she'll be on the painting is appropriate of you, mind you her mother is none other than Lilith Falcon, now if that name doesn't make you shake in fear...I will" she took another step towards him.

At the sound of my mother's name Howard took a step back and sat down on his chair avoiding our glares, he cleared his throat acting as if he wasn't scared of what Lola just said. He waved for us to get out and that's what we did. Lola wrapped her hand around around my wrist and pulled me out of the room.

"You know, you should be using your mother's name to get what you want" I heard her say, I was busy enjoying the warmth of her fingers on my skin that I forgot to answer her.

"Keys" I heard her say, I gave her a confused look before realizing we were already in the parking lot. I searched my bag and grabbed my car keys then handed them to her.

"What about your car?"

"I'll pick it up later" she opened my door and I got in so she can drive us back to my apartment.

Lola was softly tapping on the steering wheel, she wasn't talking, I wasn't talking, and the silence was killing me for no reason. I was afraid she'll hear my loud heartbeats with how silent it was inside the car.

"Are you gonna come in? For the project" I asked her, without giving me an answer Lola took my bag from me and locked the car then we made our way to the elevator. I'm guessing that's a yes?

"The last time I was here, I left my stuff right?" Lola asked when we got to the apartment, I unlocked the door and we both walked in doing the usual routine, taking off our shoes and her going to sit on the couch.

"Yes, you did. The duffle bag is in my room, should I change as well? Are we going to work on the painting?" She still haven't painted it yet, the last time she was here she only finished the sketch.

"That would be great, I just need to get the colors right if that's okay with you" she smiled softly and I did the same, she had a cute smile. I grabbed the white sheets and the duffle bag and made my way downstairs.

"Do you want something to drink before we start?"

"No thank you, this won't take long. I didn't bring the sketch with me so I'm only going to do a mini painting of you, but on Friday we can start working on it"

She went to the kitchen to get the chair and I started taking off my dress, I wasn't wearing a bra which was convenient since I needed to be topless for this. I wrapped the sheets around me and Lola walked back in the living room.

She stood right in front of me and I gulped feeling a little nervous. After what happened at her house I only started to feel nervous around her and notice the height difference, the way she looks at me.

The tips of her fingers brushed against my cheek before she leaned to peck me on the lips, again leaving me a little too stunned to speak.

She put the chair down and went to sit on the couch, so casually, I looked away from her and tried to act as if her presence wasn't making me feel weak. I sat in the usual position holding the sheets in the right angles, Lola grabbed a very cute and small canvas with one hand and used the other one to hold the paint brush.

The whole time she was moving on the couch, looking a little uncomfortable and unsettled, a few minutes later of this weird behavior I heard her she sigh loudly before standing up, I gave her a confused look. Am I not in the right position?

"What is it?" I asked softly, Lola touched the bridge of her nose before looking at my face for a moment, she came to where I was sitting and stood right in front of me, her eyes dropped to my chest and the finger that was on her face was now on my neck, touching and caressing my skin until it reached between my breasts.

"W-what are you doing?" She didn't answer me and let her finger touch more of my skin, I felt it brush over my left nipple sending chills down my spine, then her thumb and index finger pinched it making me release a soft whimper. Lola blinked a couple of times before dropping her arm as if she woke up from a trance.

She was about to turn around and step away from me but I wanted her to touch me again, I wanted to feel her hands on me, so I did the first thing that came to mind. I dropped the sheets to the floor gathering the courage that was left inside me and grabbed her hands.

I placed them on my boobs and softly gave them a squeeze all while watching her eyes, watching her expressions, her reaction, the way her chest started to move up and down as she breathed heavily, everything.

I was happy to see I had the same effect on her.

"Touch me"

Hello lovely people, I am not dead (unfortunately) I was just having a little hard time finding motivation to write. I'm so sorry for the very late update.

Have a good day,



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