Chapter VI

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After a perfect two weeks of letting loose in England, Alli knew her relaxing vacation was coming to an end as soon as her afternoon was interrupted by her phone buzzing insistently in her pocket. 

Her younger brother, Alexander, had been living in a suburb outside of London for the past five years as a manager for some investment firm that she had stopped listening to him talk about a long time ago. Alexander and Alli had been close their whole lives, and when she called to tell him how absolutely crazy she was going living within 45 minutes of their parents again, he told her to come out and visit him for a while.

She had immediately booked a flight for the next week.

Now, despite two weeks of sightseeing and fun, she was getting a call from Aaron Dessner, which could only mean two things. One, he was asking her to remind him of some obscure artist or sound they had pulled from in a previous demo, or two, (and far more likely in her opinion) he was calling to ask her to help someone out of a pinch. She wasn't a spiteful person whatsoever, but it seemed that ever since her abrupt departure from the music industry and immediate retirement, the industry seemed to be yanking her back twice as hard.

"Well, well, if it isn't Aaron Dessner calling me on vacation. Do you really miss me that much already?" Alli injected some humor in her voice along with an overdramatic British accent, even though she could feel her gut clenching in automatic apprehension. 

"Hi Alli, I'm really sorry to bother you. I know you're with your brother, but I have to ask you a question." The guilt in his voice was enough to tell her that she had been right about the second option.

"Aaron, I won't be coming home for three weeks. Whatever job you're trying to rope me into isn't going to happen." There was no bite in her tone. She knew it wasn't Aaron's fault that he was the messenger.

"Well, Alli, that's kind of the thing. You're the only person I know in England right now that I can think of to help out a friend of mine on short notice."

"Who's the friend? I don't know anyone over here right now?" Alli was puzzled. This wasn't a request she got every day. 

"Umm well," he paused for a long moment. Alli rolled her eyes. "I don't know if I can tell you that. I forgot to ask how much I could explain to you--shit! I'm so sorry."

"A diva then?" She snorted, mind already scrolling through her mental list of Aaron's so-called friends who could be the one pulling her out of her much needed vacation. She was drawing a blank on anyone high profile enough to be pulling the name card bullshit.

He chuckled, "Honestly, not as much of a diva as you'd expect."

"Hmm," She didn't fully believe him. "Well, I'm sorry buddy, but it's a no. Alex and I have plans that I'd rather not mess up just for some big-shot artist to not even acknowledge my help. I hardly ever see my brothers as it is." 

Aaron sighed like he was expecting it. "Anyway, it's for a tour. Soundboard, cues, etc. You know the drill. The sound crew got held up at the last stop apparently."

Alli nodded, even though Aaron wouldn't be able to see it through the phone. Unfortunately things like this happened frequently on the road. A thought occurred to her against her will--a certain blonde artist coming to mind that she immediately refused to think about in favor of listening to Aaron's next words.

"Would you let me pass on your phone number if they're desperate enough to ask you personally?" He asked it as if he was already expecting to be met with immediate disapproval.

She groaned, not believing herself as she replied, "Fine, but don't take this as anything CLOSE to a yes. You can pass on my number if they're really that desperate, but I'm not doing it."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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