Chapter IV

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Taylor was pleasantly buzzed and enjoying the party that was in full swing around her. 

Jack Antonoff had texted her a few days ago and invited her to be his plus one, and since she didn't have any shows this weekend (and had been in LA sending the last of Joe's forgotten things back to him), she had immediately agreed. 

She was at the bar happily watching the people chatting and mingling around her, while sipping from a newly acquired vodka-diet coke. There were two women trying to get close to the bar to order, so Taylor took a step back to clear some space for them and immediately felt someone crash into her from behind. 

Steadying her drink-- thankful it didn't spill down her new dress-- Taylor spun around in surprise and heard a woman say, "Ope, I am SO sorry!"

She immediately giggled, "Did you just say 'ope'?" Who says that? 

As she said that, the woman's face registered in her brain.You've got to be kidding me. The person looking up at her in embarrassment was the same pretty brunette she had seen twice now in Minneapolis. Her eyes are so dark, Taylor mused as they reflected the gold lights shining from the bar. The woman had a flush creeping over her face.

"No! I definitely said 'oh!'"

Taylor couldn't believe they were arguing over linguistics. "You definitely did not! I have never heard anyone actually say 'ope' before!" She was laughing, and repeated the word again, charmed at the odd turn this interaction had taken. The woman looked disconcerted.

"Okay, yes! Fine!" she was shaking her head and laughing along with Taylor finally, "I'm from the upper-Midwest. Let's please please forget about it!"

"No! This is too good!" Taylor tried to ease the mystery woman's embarrassment. She was thrilled that she was going to actually get a name to put to the previously elusive face. 

"I'm Taylor, it's nice to meet you." She put her hand out, silently waiting for the woman to shake it. 

Why are you so interested in this woman anyway? Duh, Taylor, it's because you keep seeing her in the most random situations and it's like a perfect song scenario!

"Alli Carter. Sorry for running into you!" No sooner had she grasped Taylor's hand, she was wrenching it away and stumbling off with a "well, bye then" and a small wave. 

She didn't even get a drink. What just happened?

Taylor stood there in momentary disbelief. Shaking her head, she looked up to see Jack attempting to flag her down from across the room. 

Grinning wryly, she walked over to him. "How's the party?"

"Good!" Then he chuckled, "I had been wondering if I left you to squander alone by yourself in a corner somewhere, but then I saw you talking to someone at the bar." 

"Ah yeah," she smiled. "Do you know anyone named Alli Carter?"

He frowned for a moment in thought. "Nope! Although the name does sound vaguely familiar."

"Hmm okay. I was just wondering." Taylor could see that Jack was anxious to go off and talk to someone else, so she patted his shoulder and motioned to her half-empty drink. 

"You go on. I'm happy people watching at the bar!"

"You're the best!" Jack tapped his glass against hers and walked off.

She looked around at all the faces in the crowded room, seeing only a few people she knew and none she needed to talk to right at this moment. 

Alli Carter was across the room talking to a tall, attractive, dark skinned man who was laughing loudly at whatever was being said between them. Taylor considered the way Alli had abruptly ended their introduction again, paired with the way she remembered the woman's eyes had slid past her own without recognition at that restaurant in Minneapolis. 

At the time she had thought it was funny that she had managed to keep her cover that night with Ed, but now she couldn't help but wonder if maybe the woman was not a fan of hers at all. After all, this was an industry party, there were plenty of people here who worked for artists who were outright hostile towards her. Maybe that's why Jack recognized the name but couldn't place it.

She shrugged and put the thought out of her head. It didn't really matter anyway, since she would probably never meet the woman again. After all, seeing someone three times in as many months was unlikely enough, but a fourth would feel intentional! 

The woman was pretty, Taylor admitted. Not her usual type. She had tanned skin that looked sun-kissed, and her short brown hair was braided into an elegantly messy bun. Her eyebrows were darker than her hair, and offset dark brown eyes that continually drew one to look at her face. It was a striking combination, Taylor thought, and the black jumpsuit made her look controlled and sure of herself. 

It was a classic look that she would have gone for, herself. 

Oh well, Alli Carter will have to remain a mystery. 

She wasn't going to go out of her way to meet someone that obviously didn't want anything to do with her. 


Alli was sure of three things. One, she was drunk. Two, she had met Taylor Swift a few hours ago. And three, she was stumbling into a bathroom stall that had just been vacated by five women. 

Why the hell would FIVE people want to pee together? I get like two or three, but FIVE? 

She wasn't sure why that was important to her right now, but it served as decent amusement as she considered how much it looked like a clown car as they had all been leaving. As she smoothed her outfit and unlatched the door, her heel caught on the fraying end of her jumpsuit and she tripped forward, managing to stumble forward and catch herself on a sink. 

God I'm clumsy today. She looked up and instantly did a double take. There she was again, walking out of another bathroom stall. 

"Are you following me or something?" she cringed at the fact her drunk self had no filter, but it was honestly confusing to her that she would keep managing to find herself in the same room as the blonde singer so many times.

Taylor looked at her, seemingly amused, "No, but I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm definitely not." Alli responded quickly.

"Did I offend you or something?" Taylor's blue eyes bore into her own searchingly. 

"No, I just don't want you to think I'm a sycophantic fan or something."

"Sycophantic. I'm gonna remember that one." Taylor smirked. "Not sure anyone has ever said that to me before."

"I was an English major. Fancy words work great to annoy my brothers." Alli rolled her eyes.

"So you're trying to annoy me."

"No, you just seemed like someone who would actually know what it means." 

Taylor looked surprised. Alli dried her hands and turned toward the door. "See you around I guess? Seems like we keep crossing paths."

Taylor nodded, and looked like she was going to say something, but then after a moment passed, just waved and said, "Yeah, see you."

Alli opened the door and glanced back as it began to shut behind her. She was surprised to find Taylor's eyes still watching her. There was an unreadable expression on her face. For some reason, she felt herself blush as their momentary eye-contact was broken by the door swinging shut behind her. 

You're drunk, Alli. It means nothing. Go find Pete and leave this godforsaken party. 

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