First Day

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I woke up the next morning still feeling a bit tired from my flight. I went down stairs to find Charlie, but he had already left leaving a note on the fridge for me.

"Hey Bells, sorry I wasn't there this morning. The stations been a bit of a mess lately. Hope you have a good first day. And please at least try and make some friends."


I smiled at the note then put it back on the fridge. I went up stairs taking my time in the shower knowing I had woken up 30 minutes before I needed to. I got dressed picking out a red flannel shirt with a black tank top to go underneath, some dark blue jeans and black convers. Looking out the window to find it raining to no surprise, I grabbed my leather jacket throwing my hood on, grabbed my backpack and made my way to my truck.
Finding it a bit difficult to get it started after 5 minutes, it finally gave in to my request and started. I had more than enough time to make it to school and stop by the McDonald's I had seen on the way to the house yesterday. I ordered a breakfast sandwich and an orange juice and made my way to school.
I pulled up to what looked like a prison with a sign in front that said Forks High School. The parking lot wasn't that crowed, but it still felt like there were too many people hanging out at their cars. As I parked my truck I could feel peoples eyes staring at me.
Right as I got out of my truck I heard the bell ring signaling for first period. I made my way up to the building with the rest of the students, feeling extremely out of place. I pulled my schedule and the map of the school out of my pocket. English was my first class, not the best class to have this early in the morning, but it also wasn't the worst. Looking down at the map as I walked though the hall, I accidentally walked into this guy with short jet black hair. He was almost the same height as me. I looked up to apologize, but before I could say anything he introduced himself.
"Hi, I'm Eric. You must be the new girl, Isabella right?"
Feeling uncomfortable at the way he used my first name, only my mom called me that when she was angry at me.
"Uhh yeah, just Bella."
He held out his hand and I shook it hesitantly.
"You look a little lost, can I help you find your first class?"
He seemed really nice, and I honestly couldn't figure out this damn map, so I agreed to his aid.
"Yeah sure, if you don't mind I guess."
He smiled and looked at me.
"Of course I don't. I know this school like the back of my hand. You mind if I can see your schedule?"
He asked as he held out his hand. I gave it to him with no problem. Watching his face as he scanned over it, he smiled a bit.
"Cool, we have second period together. But I can still show you to your first period if you want?"
"Yeah that's fine."
We walked in silence as we passed other kids talking and laughing getting things out of their lockers. We stopped in front of a class room just as the bell rang.
"This is you. I'll meet you right here so we can walk to second period if you want?"
He smiled. He seemed really nice, but I hope this wasn't his way of trying become more than just friends. I just met him, plus I'm not sure if I'm interested in a guy that's the same height as me. I laughed at the thought.
"Yeah that's fine, I'll see you then."
I walked inside to see that there was only one seat open. I'm glad class hadn't started yet, although it should've. The teacher must be running late. I made my way to the back of the class room were the only empty seat was. Not really noticing anyone, but I knew deep down they were noticing me. I felt peoples eyes burn in the back of my head.
I made it to my seat setting my backpack on the floor next to me.
I heard a voice clear next to me, and I looked up to find the most beautiful pixie like girl in the world. Her hair was short but long enough to somewhat cover the sides of her face. Her hair was black with light shades of brown you could hardly see if you weren't close up. Her eyes were a light golden topaz color. She was small, smaller than me. Or at least from what I could tell, she was sitting down. She was wearing blue jeans with black rain boots coming up right below her knees, with a black low cut V-neck and a black jacket. Although there wasn't much color to her outfit, it suited her just right. She didn't really look like she wore stuff like that often though. She seemed really girly, and her voice rang like Christmas bells.
"I'm Alice. You must be Bella."
She broke me out of my deep thoughts about her. Trying not to make it too awkward. Still a bit stunned by her beauty I introduced myself.
"Umm yeah, I-I'm Bella."
"It's nice to meet you Bella."
She said with a smile on her face. She seems really nice. Most girls from my old school were complete bitches if they looked as good as she did. But I guess that didn't really apply here at this school. Everyone seemed really nice. Although there was something a bit different about her, but a good different.
"If you're wondering where the teacher is, he's gonna be a little late. He's got a pretty bad drinking problem. So don't be surprised when all we do is watch movies and right papers about them."
She laughed a bit, but all I could do was be mesmerized by her beauty. Not only was she gorgeous but she was funny.
"So this is a pretty easy class then huh?"
I asked looking down at my fingers on the desk no longer able to look at her anymore.
"Yeah, he pairs us up to write the papers though so it's all pretty easy. I think today we'll be starting 'The Crucible'."
"Sounds a bit depressing."
I said as I looked up at her?
"It is, but it's not that bad." She said smiling at me.
The teacher came in just as I was about to ask her how she likes it here. He looked really hung over, and like he was going to throw up at any monent.
"Good morning class, as you all know we will be starting 'The Crucible' today. You have 5 minutes to find a partner to write your paper with before I turn the movie on."
He walked over to the lights and cut them out and started to get the movie in order. Thinking if I should as Alice to be my partner she had already beat me to it.
"Do you wanna be partners?" She asked with a big smile on her face.
I looked at her kinda stunned that she would wanna be partners with the new girl. Too slow to answer, a sad look came across her face. And looked like she was about to burst into tears.
"I mean unless you don't want to be of corse." She said keeping her beautiful glossy eyes locked on mine, looking for an answer. The look on her face broke my heart, and all I wanted to do was to make that amazing smile come back.
"Of c-course I do Alice. Yeah that would be great."
She smiled just as soon as I finished. Happy to see her smiling again, but that was a quick turn around.
"Hope everyone found their partners because I'm starting the movie now!"
Class went by too fast. We got through 45 minutes of the movie. I looked over at Alice as she slid a note onto my desk.

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