Chapter 35- Jealouse Boy

Start from the beginning

~Little time skip- after Craig's gay ass show~

Tricia's pov

I stretched as I get up from my seat. I'm glad Craig did something so active because Farther Maxi was so boring, I felt like I was gonna die from lack of excitement. "So you like church Tweek?......Tweek?" I look at the frowning imp sitting down.
"What's up with you? I thought you'd like to see Craig"

"I was happy but he was smiling at the girl next to me" The blonde slouched in his seat as he sighed out loud, I quietly laughed at him. "You know he's told to smile at the crowd?"

"If he didn't smile, he wouldn't get anybody's attention, maybe that's why so many people fall for him here"

"S-So he wasn't smiling at the girl!?"

"Yup! Can I ask you something?"

"Of course!"

"Are you jealous that girl likes Craig?"

"N-NO!" I smirked at the flustered imp as he stood up in defense.
"Okay but that girl is making her way to your beloved boyfriend"

"What? WHERE?!" I pointed at at the ginger girl, who was quickly making her way towards the noiret, Tweek fixed the blue chullo that was on his head and scurried towards Craig before the girl could. Once the blonde left my side I started giggling. If those two don't end up together then I won't believe in love because they're so in love with each other, I can feel it in my bones.

Craig's pov

I unplugged my mic from the speakers, As I was heading down the steps of the stage I heard my name being called,
"PASTOR CRAIG!" I look up and see a girl with orange and blonde-ish hair about my age. Her cheeks where a bright pink and the corners of her lips turned into a small smile once I made eye contact with her. "Today's ceremony was amazing Pastor!"
"Oh thank you.."


"Well thank you Sadie" her small grin turned to a bright smile, that's a bad sign and I know where this is going.

"Um Pastor may I tell you a confession?"

"Of course you can but wouldn't you want to tell Farther Maxi?"

"No! I-I wanna tell you!"

"Okay, go ahead" I slightly frown, why do people ask me out so much?! I'm not the best of people..
"Pastor Craig, I think you're very handsome and I love the way your voice sounds. You're so amazing up on stage!"
Sadie looked up at me with hearts in her eyes, she held her hands closed to her chest as she took a deep breathed.
"What I'm trying to say is that I love y-"

"There you are honey!" The girl in-front of me widened her eyes as I looked too my left and see the imp clinging to my arm.
Wait..did he just call me honey? "Um..Pastor Craig who's this?"
"I'm his boyfriend!" I blush a little after I heard Tweek call me his boyfriend. "Yup! This is my boyfriend Tweek"
I girl sadly smiled up at me, I could tell she was trying to hold back tears. The imp pulled me down to his face by my collar; He closed his eyes and puckered his lips, I quickly covered his mouth with my hand as I nervously chuckled.
"Um d-dear, let's not do this here" I saw Tweek give me a sad expression, I whispered to him that I'd kiss him later, the blonde let go of my collar but he quickly grabbed my hand, "So what were  you gonna tell me Sadie?"
"Oh! Um n-nothing pastor" I nodded at the sad girl and turned towards my so called 'boyfriend',
"Honey I have to go put my stuff up so wait for me so we can walk home"

"Okay!" I once the imp was out of my sight I started making my way to my office but I was pulled back, I look behind me and see a very sad Sadie. "Um can you let go of my hand?"
"Craig I like you!"

"That's nice but I have a boyfriend"

"You're not even gonna consider my feelings?!"

"Did you not hear me? I have a BOYFRIEND!"

"And? He doesn't have to know!"

"You really think I would go out with you?"

"Of course I did! I'm pretty and that blondie isn't! He looks crazy!"

"Yeah, you're pretty ugly, plus I prefer crazy cute blondes anyway. Now let go of my wrist"


"Let go of my fucking wrist before I hit your thick skull with this microphone"  The ginger let go of my wrist out of shock, I guess she didn't expect me to lash out. I made eye contact with her pale green eyes, "You're a asshole Craig!"
"Yeah I know, I get that a lot" and with that I walked off to my office.

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