After they felt like they had waited long enough, they left the asteroid field and saw that the Empire's ships were gone. Now they had to work out where to go to get the hyperdrive fixed. "I think I know a place. We could go to Cloud City on Bespin. It's governed by an old friend of mine called Lando Calrissian. He owes me a few favours so if we go there, he'll help us," Han suggested. "How well do you trust him?" Alazne asked. "Very well. He's one of only a handful of people that I know who don't like the Empire," Han replied. "Then let's go. If you trust him, let's hope he can help us get the Falcon fixed," Alazne answered. With that being said, Han punched in the coordinates and they made their way to Bespin. Once they arrived on Bespin, Lando came out to greet them. He hugged Han and kissed Alazne, Leia and Eirian on the hands. "Welcome to Cloud City, my ladies. I hope you enjoy your stay here," Lando said with a smile. Alazne noticed Caelestis subtly put himself between Eirian and Lando. She also noticed Han doing the same thing with Leia. She smiled at the boy's actions. Alazne had a feeling that there was something between the boys and her daughters and now she knew that she was right. Lando gave them a tour of Cloud City before asking if they were hungry. When they all said yes, he took them to his private dining room and said that they had some special guests joining them. When they entered the room, they were surprised to see Vader and Boba Fett. As soon as she saw them, Alazne put herself in front of Eirian and Leia.

"We've been waiting for you," Vader said after Han tried to shoot at him which he was able to block. Just then, Vader noticed Alazne standing in front of Leia and Eirian. "How are you alive? You are meant to be dead," he said, surprised. It was one thing to hear that his wife was alive. But it was another thing entirely to see that she was standing in front of him, protecting their daughters. "Yes, I'm alive. My people know how to stop people from dying," Alazne replied. "Why? Why would you betray us? Especially to them?" Han asked Lando, angry at his friend's betrayal. "They got here first. I had no choice," Lando replied. As they were being led somewhere, Alazne heard them mention that they were bait. She wasn't sure who they were bait for but she had a hunch that she knew who it would be. She just hoped that she was wrong. Once they arrived at their location, Vader said that they were going to be testing the Carbonite freezing system. And that Han and Caelestis would be the test subjects. Before they were frozen, Han was able to admit his feelings for Leia. And Caelestis did the same with Eirian. Alazne smiled, happy that the girls had managed to admit their feeling to the men they loved. As the boys were frozen, Alazne pulled Leia and Eirian into a hug, knowing how heartbroken they must feel. After they were frozen, Boba said about taking Han and Caelestis to Jabba. Alazne took note of what he said as she was led to a cell with the others. She was determined to free the pair so that they could be happy with her girls. A few hours later, lando came to free them.

"Why are you helping us? Especially after the stunt you pulled earlier," Alazne said, feeling her anger start to rise. "Because I realised that what I did was wrong. And I can start showing how sorry I am by helping you escape," Lando said. As they were leaving, Lando said about how Vader was after two people called Luke and Luna Skywalker. On hearing that, ALazne hoped they were both safe. Meanwhile, Luke and Luna arrived in Cloud City after Luke had a vision showing Han and Caelestis being frozen in carbonite. After they landed, Luke turned to look at his sister. "Luna, I want you to stay with the ship," he said. "Luke, I think that we should stick together. What if something bad happens to you?" Luna asked. "I'll be OK. Be careful, alright?" Luke replied before going inside. Luna was annoyed at her brother's antics but stayed with her fighter. Luke looked around Cloud City for a while before finding Vader. They both turned on their lightsabers before starting to fight. Their fight eventually went outside. Luke started to get overwhelmed by the speed and ferocity of Vader's strikes. Eventually, Vader got the upper hand and cut off Luke's right hand. "Why don't you come to the dark side? Join me," Vader said, hoping to convince Luke to join him. "No. I'm not joining you. Why should I join you? You killed my father," Luke replied. "No. I didn't kill your father. I am your father," Vader answered, pulling off his helmet. "No, that's not true. It's impossible," Luke replied. "Search your feelings, Luke. You know it to be true," Vader told him. Looking down the air shaft, Luke leant back and fell down the shaft. Part of the way down, Luke managed to grab onto an antenna.

Using the force, he called out to Leia and Luna, hoping that they could help him. A few minutes later, he saw Luna's ship as well as the Falcon fly by. The Falcon drew closer and Lando helped him on board. He helped Luke inside and into the little medical bay aboard the Falcon. After Lando left, Alaznw ran into the med bay and hugged Luke. When she noticed that his right hand was missing, she gasped. "Luke, what happened?" she asked. "I fought Vader and he cut my hand off. He also said that he was my dad. Is it true, Mom?" he asked. "It is. I never told you or your sisters because I didn't want to burden you all with the fact that he had chosen to be a Sith," Alazne replied, feeling angry at Anakin for harming their son. "I can understand that. But there's good in him. I could sense it. It was like a small part of him was good but was being blocked out by something," Luke told her. "You may be right, Luke. But that still doesn't excuse what he did to you," Alazne replied. After they caught up with the rebel fleet, Alazne went with Luke to the medical ship so that he could have a prosthetic hand fitted. Once it had been fitted and Luke got used to it, Alazne looked out one of the windows on the ship. Along with Luke, Leia, Luna, R2 and 3PO, they watched as Lando and Chewie left in the Falcon to go and find Han and Caelestis. Alazne had a smile on her face, having a gut feeling that before long, the war against the Empire would be won. She just hoped that she was right. 

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