Chapter 3

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The hallways were empty since people have gone to class. Umji was just following Tom but realised that he took the wrong turn to Professor Snape class.

"Riddle, I think you went to the wrong way. Professor Snape class is-" then Umji got interrupt by her being pulled.

Tom cast a spell to pull her towards him, holding her waist gently and bring her in to the requirement room.

Umji looked up bringing her hair back and realised that she is in some unknown room.

Tom was still holding her waist, he bring his head beside her left ear and whisper "Welcome to the requirement room"

Umji frozed, she don't know what to do. She was puzzled but her hands is still holding on to Tom's arm.

"Riddle? Can you let me go?" Umji said softly. Tom smiled, his face is still beside her. "Can you say it again darling.... I can't quite hear you clearly" He said smiling trying to tease her.

"Can. You. Let. Me. Go" Umji said firmly. Tom was amazed and impressed at her firm voice but he still know that she is still weak.

He let go of her slowly and step back. Umji quickly walked to the front and turn around looking at him.

"Riddle... I know that this is not about meeting Professor Snape" Umji said hugging her self.

Tom chuckled "Kim... you are so slow. Even your friend Kevin knows that" Umji frown looking down after what he said.

"Come on don't be sad, you have to admit you are slow" He said which made Umji mad. "Shut up!" She shouted. Tom smiled and laughed.

"Wow... didn't expect you to shout..." Tom said sitting on the couch beside him. "Look I am here to say about your friend Kevin" He said adjusting his tie.

"I heard that you guys are together? Is it true?" Tom looked at her raising his eyebrows up.

Umji shake her head. "You can't talk?" Tom asked. Umji sighed "No... we are... not a couple is just... is just a misunderstanding. That's all..." Umji said and didn't realised that Tom actually pulled her by her sleeves slowly and bring her in front of him. Umji looked around surprised.

"You should know where you're going when you talk with your friends" Tom said. "That's good that you guys are friends... if couple... you may not want me to hurt your friend, am I right?" Umji shake her head.

"Then listen Mudblood" He stand up and grabbed her collar and bring her closer to his face.

"I don't want you to have any love relationship with any boys in Hogwarts. Only me, remember that! You hear me!? Mudblood!?" Umji cried hearing him called her Mudblood.

She bring her hand to her eyes and sniff "Please don't call me Mudblood..." Tom chuckled "I can't promise you that, love" He take his tip of his robe and wipe the tears away.

"Remember no boys love you... except me.... They will never think more than I do" Tom said. Umji shake her head and push him which made him fall onto the couch.

"No! You are not going to control me!" Umji quickly ran out from the room and went to find her two friends.

She went to her Hufflepuff house and saw Kevin and Belle was waiting for her outside the door. When Belle saw Umji, she quickly ran down the stairs and hug her.

"I heard what Kevin said. Are you okay?" She asked. Umji shake her head.

Kevin walked to her and hugged her and patting her back.

"What he say to you?" Kevin asked. While Umji was talking, Kevin was still hugging her and guiding her up the stairs to the common room and sat her down on the couch. Yes, still hugging her.

"He said no boys will like you like he does?" Belle asked her. Umji nodded. Kevin scoffed "Pfft yea right, here I am loving Umji from the tip of her hair till end of her toes" Kevin said putting blanket on Umji and sat beside her.

"Aww Kevin..." Umji said. "What? You are literally smaller than me and a cutie pie" Kevin was about to squish Umji's cheeks but Umji push his arms away with the pillow she is holding.

"And he say if you and me are together. He will hurt you" Umji said wiping her tears. "It's okay nothing is going to happen to me, my little seeker" He said.

"Talking about seeker" Belle said sitting with a cocoa Choco. "Tomorrow is practice day. Do not be late, both of you" She said pointing at them.

"Yes Keeper!" Both of them salute at her and laugh.

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