CHAPTER 5: Roar of the Red Ranger

Start from the beginning

"T-Rex Super Charger! Engage!" Tyler's Morpher said.

Tyler was about to energize the Dino Charger but he got himself electrocuted.

"Is he supposed to be acting like that?" I questioned.

"Tyler!" Shelby called out.

"This isn't right!" Kendall said.

"No, something wrong with Charger" Koda said.

Koda went over to Tyler.

"Tyler, you ok?" Koda asked.

Tyler's helmet scared Koda and fell onto the ground.

"Tyler, it's ok. We'll help you" Kendall said as she got pushed by him.

"He is acting like a T-Rex!" Shelby said.

Tyler started to attack Kendall.

"Tyler, you're hurting me! Please don't attack, it's me...Miss Morgan!" Kendall said.

"Tyler!" I said.

"Calm down, Tyler!" Hizashi said.

The two of us went over to try and stop him.

"What's going on?" Kendall said.

Me and Hizashi fell onto the ground as the two of us demorphed.

Tyler went away while the others went over to us.

"Are you guys ok?" Keigo asked as he went over to me while checking for any injures I might've got on my body.

"I'm fine...I think" I said.

"This not good!" Koda said.

"He's getting away!" Shelby said.

Tyler climbed up a hill with ease.

"Look at him, it's like he's thinking that he is a real Tyrannosaurus Rex!" Chase said.

"I don't know why it's malfunctioned! You guys need to find Tyler, I will meet you back at the base. Kanan, I need your help so you need to come back to the base too" Kendall said. 

"Ok" I said as Keigo took his helmet off, kissed my forehead and put his helmet back on as he was leaving with the others as I am going back to the base with Kendall.


It's night time and the others were back at the base. Kendall was checking the computer while I was sorting out the new Dino Charger before I start to work on the clean version of the T-Rex Super Charger. "So, that's how they did it. Somehow, Heckyl managed to put a virus on my laptop and it caused T-Rex spirit to take over Tyler's mind" Kendall said. "So logically, we need to search again at sunrise" Riley said. "Yes, we really need to cover every inch of that forest" Ivan said. "Me and Kanan have been working on a new Dino Charger that may help us on capturing Tyler" Kendall said.


The next morning, the others were in Tyler's Jeep as me, Keigo and Hizashi were about to go into his car. "Remember, Tyler doesn't know that he's your friend, in his mind he's a ferocious T-Rex. I gave Kanan the new Hypnotize Charger and the clean version of the T-Rex Super Charger" Kendall said as I showed the others the two Dino Chargers.

Me, Keigo and Hizashi got into the car. "Miss Morgan, is there any chance that even a part of the real Tyler is still in there" Shelby asked. "It's possible" Kendall said. "If there's even a glimmer of the real Tyler left in that animal, I know where he will be" Shelby said as she was showing us the map. "Of course, the treasure" Ivan said. "You are a genius" Chase said. "You're just figuring that out?" I said. All of us were heading towards the location.