Part 17-Joe's Story

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 "You needn't trouble your pretty head about it," Neil replied, guiding her back to the bed. He tore the lacy garment from her body, before pushing her down on the satin sheets. The rest of the night was spent in teaching her different ways to please each other. The dawn found them deep into an exhausted sleep, their bodies entwined.

The maid served the pancakes to Tanya. She could not think of wolfing down the bacon, eggs, sausages, and ham that the others were doing so early in the day. She smiled at her own pun. The pancakes dripping with fresh honey from the forest were delicious. She felt hungry after all the exercise she had had last night. Her face flamed as she recalled the events in graphic detail. Neil gave a covert glance at his wife as she forked the food in her mouth. She had been asking about the curse. He was on his guard now. Under no circumstances could he let her know the truth. He was sure, if she knew about it, she would take the first opportunity to run toward the city. He had invested too much time and effort into the plan to let it all come undone now. It had to be tonight. He had to kill her somehow. They could later tell the pack that he punished her for being disrespectful towards the Alpha. For the whole of that day, he had to keep an eye on her. "Neil, I have scheduled a business meeting with the Seaside Pack at eleven this morning. You have to attend it with me," his father broke into his cogitations. "I don't think I can make it, Dad," he tried to excuse himself. "It is for a fresh mining lease and you cannot afford to miss it. We have too much competition. They won't clinch the deal unless the Alpha himself shows up," his father's voice showed that he would brook no argument.

Neil sat through the meeting which seemed to drag on and on. They were negotiating the terms of the deal and the profit shares. At any other time, he would have enjoyed the cut and thrust of the business world, but today he was in no mood for it. The night loomed large in his mind. He was too wound up to think straight. It had to be tonight if he was to succeed. He had called Renee before he left for the meeting, asking her to keep an eye on Tanya. Any signs that she was going to escape and Renee was to finish her off. Then and there. No mercy shown. He licked his suddenly dry lips while wiping the sweat from his brow. Why did he strangely feel sick at the prospect of her death?

"Ray, I need to talk to you urgently," Tanya pleaded as he sat in the study, going through a file. "What is it dear?" he queried all ears. "I keep hearing about the curse, but no one would explain what it is all about," she complained. "You really wish to know Tanya? Believe me, it can be quite distressing for you. Sometimes ignorance is bliss." "I am stronger than everyone thinks," she retorted. "Come then. We will go to Joe's again. No one better than him to explain it," Ray caught her hand in his, taking her to where his car was parked. None of them saw the curtains at the window part as a pair of eyes took stock of their movements.

"Welcome back Luna," Joe smilingly led her to the small, cozy sitting room. She took her seat beside Ray on the couch, while Joe sat across from them on a rocking chair. "Can you please tell me something about the curse which everyone keeps referring to," Tanya requested the old man. Joe stared at her with sad eyes for a moment, a frown of worry on his face. "It is a long story Luna and quite distressing for a wife to know," he said at last. "Joe, I do need to know about it. In fact, I think being Neil's wife, I have a right to know about anything which affects him," she uttered in a tone full of determination. "I admire your courage, Luna. I always knew you were different, brave, and kind. Not every woman would be strong enough to take Alpha Neil for a partner. His name is enough to put terror in the hearts of lesser mortals. I think you deserve to know the truth." As she blushed, Joe settled comfortably in his chair. "A long time ago, when the pack was ruled by Neil's great grandfather Alpha Remus, we were a peaceful community. Apart from the routine hunts we seldom had to fight any battles. Our neighbors included a coven of witches, led by a clever head witch called Marina. There was hardly any love lost between the two communities, but due to an old truce, they steered clear of each other," Joe stopped to take a deep breath. "What happened then? Did they become enemies?" Tanya whispered, lost in the story. "I don't know much about what happened between the werewolves and the witches. You see, I wasn't born then. I have heard this story from my father, but all I know is that Remus messed with the witches. He incurred Marina's wrath and she cursed him with this dreaded curse," Joe took a sip of water from the glass on the table, then wiped his lips on his sleeve. "What is the curse?" she asked, open-mouthed at the prospect of such an ancient curse affecting her beloved. "According to the curse, every Alpha is struck by a strange affliction. It turns him into a bloodthirsty beast, ready to kill to satisfy his blood lust. The more he kills, the stronger the curse becomes in its intensity. Nothing can stop it from proceeding until the Alpha turns totally mad, a raving, dangerous beast." Tanya felt her heart sinking as realization dawned on her. Flashes of her time with Neil swam before her vision. The attack on the woman in the City Park. Neil covered with blood in the middle of the night. The way the people avoided him, were wary of him. "Can nothing stop it?" she asked hopefully. She could not lose Neil to some stupid curse. He was too precious. She would do her best to find a way to break the jinx, even if she had to die in the process. Neil was her life, she could not contemplate the pain he had to go through, carrying this burden on his shoulders. "The only thing which is known to stop its progression is the death of the Luna," Joe whispered through shaking lips.

Tanya sat stunned. Her heart seemed to stop for a moment, then picked up speed again, hammering against her rib cage. Her blood sang in her ears and she felt blackness engulf her sight until Ray put a glass of water to her lips. "Tanya, get a hold on yourself. Here, take a sip," he almost forced some cool water down her throat, bringing her back to her senses. "" she murmured, her voice weak. "It has been observed through the ages. Remus became almost mad due to the curse. In a fit of madness, he killed his Luna. She had just borne him a son. After her death, Remus quieted down, and the symptoms receded. Neil's grandfather became free of the curse when his Luna was killed in a rogue attack. She died fighting bravely with the rogue wolves. By the time the Alpha arrived to help her, she was already dead. Neil's father did not have to face the curse for long. Neil's mother died in childbirth. Neil of course has been under its influence for a long now. He became an Alpha at a young age. His father being heartbroken at the death of his mate, gave up his position," Joe concluded.

"I will not run away leaving Neil to face this alone," Tanya replied vehemently. Ray had just offered to drive her back to the safety of the city. Ray wondered at the spirit of this woman, a mere human. She was ready to face an uncertain, treacherous fate, to save her husband. What had Neil done to deserve such love and devotion? They were about to get into the car when another vehicle came to a stop with the screech of its tires. Renee flung open the door, scrambling out in haste, while Tara came out from the other side. "Where do you think you are going?" she attacked Tanya, pushing her back towards the gate. Ray held her protectively as she staggered. "Keep your hands to yourself, Renee. I advise you not to touch Tanya again," Ray warned, his eyes glowing with anger. Tara touched Ray's arm, "Keep out of this brother. Neil would be mad if he knew you defied him." "Shut up Tara. You know nothing." "I know that Neil wants her dead. That is why he married her, pretending to love this weakling. Renee has told me everything. He even instructed Renee to finish her off if she tried to escape. You shouldn't have brought her here," she spat, sparks flying out of her eyes. Renee smiled, a twisting of her thin lips, which made her beautiful face almost appear evil. "Beta Ray, hand her over to us, and we won't tell Neil about your role in this," she warned. Beside her, Tanya felt Ray stiffen, then within moments he had turned into a strikingly handsome brown wolf. It lunged towards Renee, and with a scream, she retreated.

The girls had ridden away. Ray quickly wore the extra pair of clothes he kept in the car for such exigencies. Tanya was waiting for him in the car, her face set in hard lines. "Think again Tanya. There is nothing left for you here except a painful death. Let us go to the city. You can start afresh there." She shook her head. "I want to see Neil," she spoke in a clear, firm voice, before sinking against the seat and closing her eyes.   

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