Chpater 1

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Jou was walking the streets in their Alpha male fit looking for an omega for the season, little did they know they'd find a beautiful omega awaiting for them....

Jou walked into a store and found the most jaw dropping duck jerking man known to earth, and Jou could just smell the omega scent on him. Jace was wearing a femboy outfit for some fucking reason.

Jou walked up to Jace and tapped his shoulder to get the Omegas attention.

"O-O-Oh Hi..." Jace said, pinning his cat ears back and stuttering over his words, Hes taken aback by Jous Alpha male figure.

"Hey kitten... I know you're an Omega.." Jou said, looking into Jaces pearly brown orbs.

"W-W-W-W-W-What?! How'd you k-k-k-k-k-know?.." Jace stuttered.. Looking away from Jous beautiful blue orbs.

"Come home with me kitten.. I'll treat you right..." Jou said, stroking Jaces cheek.

"O-O-O-O-O-Okay Alpha..." Jace replied, Flustered by Jous actions.

Sooner or later Jace and Jou walk home to Jous house, Jou holds open the door for Jace like the true well mannered individual they are. Jace found this action adorable and couldn't help but blush even more!

"Here kitten.. Lets make gay furry love..." Jou said, Smirking at the Omega.

"O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-Okay!" Jace replied.

Then like after 48 hours of straight furry sex they go to sleep or something....

The next day, Jace woke up and felt sick and ran to the bathroom, and vomited up candy corn for some reason.

Jace found a PREGNANCY TEST somehow and took it, then he realized... He was pregnant...

"O-O-O-O-Oh my god what am i gonna tell jou?!"

To be continued..... Please god kill me

The little omega ( Jace x Jou) Where stories live. Discover now