The She-Hulk

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(It has been a couple of days since Arcee and Windblade found Jen. Since then, thanks to Strongarm's modification of her scanner. The three of them were able to find energon mines and then create artificial cubes that would synthesize it into energon that is safe for Arcee and windblade to drink. The group has also been training Jen on how to control her strength)

( Jen)

"  (  Lifts up a   giant tree that was blocking the road and then tosses it off the road and then jumps into the forest in order to stay hidden in the bushes as cars drive past her before quickly jumping away and then landing in a cave where Arcee...

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"  (  Lifts up a   giant tree that was blocking the road and then tosses it off the road and then jumps into the forest in order to stay hidden in the bushes as cars drive past her before quickly jumping away and then landing in a cave where Arcee and Windblade are waiting). Ok,  the roads are clear." Said Jen. " Great job, now let's get a move on before something goes wrong." Said  Windblade until they spot an explosion happening forty miles from them. " What the heck was that?" Said  Arcee as she and  Windblade quickly transformed and then drove/flew off while Jen ran after them.

( Thirty minutes later,  the group arrives at a battle between Fowler, his soldiers, and the autobots in a battle against M.E.C.H. and the Decepticons)

( Play this song while reading this chapter)

" Looks like the guys can use some help out there. ( Looks at Jen). Wait here and  only come in when we really need you." Said  Arcee. " ( Notices a couple of robots shooting at Folwers men and feels a rage well up inside her). Forget that, silas brought mechs to the battle and he's pummeling Fowler's boys. I'm going in now and I'm gonna say that line that my mom and her cousin say. ( Looks at  Arcee and  Windblade). You guys should get in there and help out the rest of the team.." Said  Jen with a smile." You got it,  but make sure to avoid helping us and only focus on  Silas and his boys, ok. ( Watches Jen nod her head and then looks at  Windblade). Ok Windblade, let's make an entrance." Said Arcee as she and  Windblade joined the fight.

( Mech Robots)

( Mech Robots)

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